41 - Goodbye Love

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" You're wrong ! Harry and Cassiopeia's heart did beat for us, all of us!" I heard very faintly as i got my conscious back. My body slowly moving.

" It not over !" I heard gasp spread around as i opened my eyes seeing Harry fall out of Hagrid's hand. He searched frantically for his wand but he didn't have it.

" Potter" I heard a voice that i learned to adore. His wand was thrown to Harry. Harry shot a spell at the snake but instead hit death eaters knocking them out cold.

I finally got the strength to get up open my eyes and move my hands.

" Cassiopeia, oh Merlin Cassiopeia you're alive- how" Theo said as he grabbed me roughly bring me up to his arms. I pulled away quickly not having time to be all lovely.

" Long story but i need to go, i need to finish this you guys need to leave go to Malfoy manor i'll meet you there." I told them as i looked around for the snake.

" Cassiopeia?!" I heard from behind me. I turned as saw the boy i thought i would never see again.

" Draco" I breathed out as he launched himself towards me. He hugged me like i was going to leave him for real this time.

I saw a spell coming our way so i moved us out the way as the spell hit the wall behind us.

" Go to the Manor i'll be there when this is over, you need to go now" I told him as i looked around for any other spells that were being thrown.

" You come with us, i can't lose you again Cass" He told me as he grabbed my hand but i pulled away, i was needed here.

" You won't lose me Draco, i need to finish this, it's the only way for peace" He seemed to understand as he let go of my hand.

" Good luck" He said as he gave me a kiss before running off towards the bridge.

Harry and my father both landed on the floor in front of me. Both their wands scattered around the rubble. I looked around and saw the snake going towards Hermione and Ron as they both shot spells at the snake.

Father got a hold of his wand and so did Harry. Both of them with extreme power shot spells at each other that collided together in the middle. Father was winning, his spell getting closer as Harry tried his hardest.

I automatically grabbed my wand going towards Harry's side. My father grew more angry as she tried harder to get to us.

My wand shot out a black spell that connected with Harry's as we both tried our hardest to overpower him. My black and his green spell soon started to overpower his spell making him livid.

He stopped trying suddenly as our spell hit him straight in the chest. His mouth gaped open as the wand flew from his grip to land in Harry's.

He stared to degrade slowly until he was nothing but a pile of ashes on the rubble. I looked at Harry then at the wand in disbelief we actually did it.

" We did it Harry, mostly you but we did it" He laughed slightly as he hugged me tightly.

" We did Cassy" He said in my ear as he tighten the embrace.

It was over. Father was gone. I got my humanity back. I was free. Freedom felt fucking amazing i could cry, wait i can cry. I am crying.

" Are you crying" Harry said with a small smile on his face as he looked at me.

" A little" I sniffed before getting attacked by another two people- Ron and Hermione.

" I am getting deja vu from the time Hermione got petrified" I laughed as i remembered all of us running towards Hermione as she came through the great hall during second year.

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