Chapter 25

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Dinner, on its own, was rather decent. As odd as it was to be eating something other than my usual plain bowl of miso and seasoned rice, I couldn't deny that the food was very good.

He didn't do too bad in his order for me either. As if he knew already that the plainest thing on the menu would suit me just fine. Granted, it was more seasoned- and more food- than I generally had, but given the circumstances and the status of the place, I suppose that was to be expected.

At least I could be sure not to embarrass myself. Most trivial things that others don't immediately think about when preparing or eating a meal are usually taken care of by my guardian. Luckily I haven't had mine since birth, so I can be completely independent at a time like this.

We don't speak much for a good while. In the lull after he ordered our food, it was just idle speaking. The weather lately, a light mention of current politics among the clans, a brief mention of how the Saegusa clan was doing after the events of the attack. Which was quite well, considering how many fingers so readily pointed their way. But after we'd both finished eating, and sat enjoying the cups of warm tea an attendant brought after clearing away the meal, he finally addressed what he'd spoken of before.

The unknown business he was originally to be handling over dinner.

"Shiba, how familiar are you with metals?"

"As in the alloys used to create magical devices? Quite familiar. What I can't recognize by sight, my other half can analyze. Why do you ask?"

"The project I mentioned before. While there is no design or even any sequences or coding yet to be anywhere near finalized, it must be a wearable yet strong material. So I set about tasking a small lab to make a new alloy that fit the requirements."

There's an itch at the back of my neck from hearing something so incredibly classified. Not only is this involving another clan's laboratories, it's a project that in truth only profits the Juumonji clan. The entire project could be seen as a massive power move, and just the thought of a new alloy being made specifically for it sends shivers down my spine.

But I am at heart a man of technology. Politics have little meaning to me. I lean over the table a little more.

"A new alloy? Were they successful?"

"They promised something incredibly light and flexible, and stronger than the steel used in current aerospace and military-grade magic weaponry. This is the sample they sent me, which I was to be discussing today."

He reaches into a hidden pocket in his vest, and produces a relatively small cloth pouch. It's what he pulls out of the pouch, however, that truly captures my attention. He sets the small metal chunk on top of the pouch. Roughly the size of a bar of soap, and yet though it's only been roughly polished, there's an unusual sleekness to it. Before I can say anything, he slides the pouch and metal bar towards me.

An invitation to have a closer look.

I set aside my tea, and take my gloves from Ori's mouth as he wordlessly retrieves them for me. I dare not handle such alloys with my bare hands, even if I know they're non-corrosive and won't tarnish. I quickly pull them on, before picking up the piece. The workaholic in me can't help but to appraise it aloud, just as I would any alloy presented to me for a creation.

"It's quite light. Given the thickness of the sample, it's remarkably light. On first inspection, this looks to be a magnesium alloy. I would have expected aluminum."

I pause, one last check to make sure I'm fully allowed to give my thoughts. He only raises an eyebrow slightly, the corners of his lips curling upwards in a subtle movement. Inviting.

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