Chapter 12

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A year ago, I had the unfortunate pleasure of being captured by members of the Hong Kong Alliance's research squadron. During my stay, they'd discovered I was two beings in one, and attempted to separate me.

Needless to say, they were unaccustomed to dealing with this sort of thing, and messed up. A fact that worked in my favor. We were split, each in our own body, yet remained connected. The same being, yet no longer. Once again, I was simply Minoru, and he was simply him. But we would never be the same again. He took a piece of me, and I a piece of him. Our eyes with forever be the only expression of that.

I kept my human body and my magic. He took my wolf form, and the minor healing magic I had aquired some years ago. Once we were separated, it was extremely difficult to function. Somehow, I was able to make sure he escaped. I, however, have remained here for some time, trapped and praying for some miracle to get me out. They're still hunting for my other half, which gives me strength. If they're hunting, he's still out there.

Yet I can't help but find them haunting me in my feverish 'dreams'. Brother, always staring at me with a blank expression. Leo, always giving me this confused, betrayed look. Juumonji, bear-man, watching me with the same expression as the time I used Beast in front of him.

It's daunting to have such an impassive figure looking at you with a very slight mix of horror and fear.

I can no longer move. I can only lay in this cryogenic 'bed', with this mask helping me breathe and the festival of tubes and cords keeping me alive. I'm used to it. This is exactly how it was before him too. I don't care anymore. I only sleep, and when I am not sleeping, they force their experiments on me. Magical technology made liquid form that only prolongs my suffering.

It matters not, for when I close my eyes, I feel the forest floor beneath brown paws.


They have yet to notice me. I patrol through the camp in the night, yet still these guards remain ignorant of my presence. They occasionally see my eyes within the darkness, which I'm sure is reported to their superiors.

We are running out of time. My human grows weak in my absence, the sicknesses bared off only by what little of me remains within him. We are running out of time.


Every night, I stand here upon this cliff, looking over the menagerie of tents. Every night, I call for those who may hear my voice. Those we once trusted.

Come. To me.

I watch as one of the tents opens, a figure stepping out. There's a brief conversation with one of the patrolling guards, before the figure begins walking into the forest.
Ah. Just using the bathroom.

Come. Help him.

"Help who?"

I turn my body about to stare into those intense eyes. I know this man. The one we trusted most of all. Juumonji, was it? It matters not.

Us. Him. Minoru. My human.

"Your human...? You're just the familiar, then. If you're separate, why isn't he dead?"

They didn't know. Come. Help him.

"What's wrong with Minoru? Who's they?"

Trapped. Frail. Those in red and gold.

"The Hong Kong Alliance?"

Northeast. Hurry. No time.

I feel it. My human... is dying. I must hurry. I have failed my mission. I must do this alone. I bolt past the man we trusted most, disappearing into the woods.

We're running out of time.

Beast [Irregular at Magic High School fanfic] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now