Chapter 5

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I stared into the nothingness, my head thrown back. I was seated on the floor, arms hanging limply by my sides. Thank goodness it was the weekend. The effects of using my magic so much had made me weak. I couldn't even move my head into a more comfortable position, much less get up and spend the day as an animal. I liked being an animal though.

It wasn't until Brother came to find out why I had missed both last night's dinner and today's breakfast that I realized how much this made my neck hurt. Brother moved me so I was laying in my pod-bed, pulling the blanket up to my chest.

"Sleep for now, Minoru. I'll come back with food later."

If he said anything more, I didn't hear it. I was already dead asleep.


Sometime later, I woke up to the sound of my door closing. There was a small noise as something was set down, and then footsteps. Brother soon appeared by the pod-bed. He picked me up again, carrying me over to a chair and setting me down again. The chair's back didn't come up very high, so he stood behind me, letting my head rest against him. I was given a bowl of plain rice, which I very slowly began to eat. While I ate, Brother talked.

"Your favorite person stopped by earlier. He said you need to come to school after classes are over, so you can be measured for a uniform."


"It's the uniform for the technical staff and engineers for our school."

"You're.... my favorite... person."

He walked around to face me, taking the empty bowl out of my hands. His expression was impassive, but he smiled at me a little.

"No. I'm your favorite sibling. Save those words for your future lover, Minoru."

"I don't... want one.."

"Minoru. I am Miyuki's guardian, so I'm not part of the family in their eyes. But you still are. It's your duty to take a partner who'll strengthen the family."

I could tell he didn't really stand by those words. He was just telling me what my aunt probably wanted me to hear. He picked me up again, carrying me back to bed. I watched him leave after that. For a long time, I stared at the door, until I finally slipped back into the inky darkness of slumber.

Sometimes I wish I could dream.


I spent the rest of the weekend resting, usually asleep. I only woke to eat or use the bathroom. Now, it was Monday. I didn't go to school with Brother today. Sis wanted me to rest a little more, so she asked that he not take me today. Since it was her asking, he, of course, agreed.

I left earlier than I really needed to. I reached the station early, so I got on the next available train towards the school. I think that's what you call it.. I had to sit next to an older guy, who quickly had me pulled into a game of cards. He ended up beating me, of course, so I gave him the cookie I'd brought as a snack. He seemed happy.

I got off at my stop, heading towards the school. I was mostly going by instinct patterns. I knew I was the fourth stop on the train because Brother always moved the fourth time it stopped. Now I was going towards the school by smell. Brother's scent was easy to pick out, since I knew it so well. Since classes were still in session when I arrived, I hung out by the gates. I busied myself with watching the birds until the final bell. The gates opened, and students began pouring out a few minutes later. I waited patiently for someone to come get me. After all, I technically have only been here once. As a human.

Beast [Irregular at Magic High School fanfic] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now