Chapter 21

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It was extremely tempting to simply leave after seeing him, but I knew just from a glance in her direction that my aunt had no interest in leaving until it was all over.

So I stayed put. Ori did too for the most part, except when someone returned to get my contact information from my guardian. I didn't have it myself anymore. I have enough things to keep memorized as it is. Ori walked over just to be near them, then swiftly returned once they had left. As the time idles by, my guardian remains silent, as do I.

At least, outwardly.

Internally, I hold a conversation with myself, acknowledging things about people around the room. Most of it is just on appearances and relationships. Who's wearing what colors, who avoids who, which of this family gets along with this family. Truthfully, it's all stuff I'd classify as 'needless information'. In my isolated state, I don't care about the familial politics. The information I need is mostly related to tech, and my handful of important people.

Still, it's something to keep me occupied. My guardian offers to go get me something to eat, but I just wave him off and he returns to standing nearby. The feeling that makes me uneasy grows worse, to the point that I feel physically ill. I sit back, resting my arm on my chair and leaning my forehead into my palm. I'm tired... Ori is still alert beside me, but he sits beside my chair.


I know that voice. I look up, finding a grinning Leo not more than a meter from me. Away from his boss, he's a little more relaxed.

"Too many people? We can go for a walk in the gardens here if it's too much."

"That... would be nice."

Leo automatically moves towards my chair, then pauses and looks to my guardian.

"Oh. May I?"

My guardian smiles, just enough to show he's not particularly hostile to it.

"Of course. I will simply wait by the door."

This seems to be more than acceptable for Leo. I adjust the blanket over my legs and remove the brake myself, but he seems to know his way around a wheelchair perfectly fine. He takes me out of the large room, partway down a hallway and out the doors. As he said, my guardian waits at the door just outside, where he can see without being in the conversation. Ori, on the other hand, has no qualms with being close. In fact, he shrinks down to the size of a puppy and curls up in my lap. I run my fingers through his thick fur. We feel safe with Leo, the same safety as we once felt with my brother.

The gardens are quite large, and it is on a bridge over a koi pond that he pauses. I turn to look at him, but his expression is... difficult. As if he wants to say something but isn't sure he should.



"Speak. I'm as removed from politics as you can be, and I don't even have anyone to talk to to begin with."

"I was going to ask how your legs are."

My legs. I wouldn't say that I'm... traumatized, but they are a source of internal pain at times. The frustration of being unable to move completely on my own, of being somewhat dependent on others for menial, basic things.

"What about them?"

"Can you use them at all? Even a little?"

"I can stand and walk about three meters and back. I'll be weak afterwards, and shaky. That's all, besides small movements."

"Would they improve with therapy?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. This is where I got with therapy. They considered amputating in favor of prosthetics. I refused. I don't want what isn't mine, even if what is mine doesn't exactly work anymore."

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