Chapter 24

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{As requested, an updated image of how Minoru looks now. Generally he does wear a neutral expression, rather than smiling. Smiles are quite rare on his face.}

Hiromoto may have agreed to allow me to go unaccompanied, but he made it quite clear he wasn't going to leave me until the last possible moment.

At least I was clean now. Not that my machines were usually oily or grimy, but it felt better to have bathed and changed clothes anyways. I was glad I'd brought a spare change of clothes on the occasion Dr. Hiruna hadn't been satisfied and would invite me out to continue 'discussing'.

Most of what I wore outside anyways tended to lean a little more formal, but at least these clothes were slightly nicer. At least I didn't look like I'd purposely dolled myself up. Just a slightly better version of how I normally look.

Although given the last time he saw me was at a formal party, this probably doesn't seem much different to him.

My long sleeve shirt is a dark green, matching the ribbon keeping my hair into a low ponytail that draped over my shoulder. My vest is a dark grey, and my pants are black. Rather than a tie, I prefer a black ribbon tied into a loose, probably crooked, bow. My shoes, made to support the weak legs of a cripple, are modified black boots with braces that go over my calves and shins. Over my pants, of course, because I've found that if you look too medically sound, people will doubt your need for a wheelchair. Besides, they'd be too itchy anyways.

Though it's cold enough to wear a coat, and scarf, and gloves, I find myself reluctant to wear them. My gloves are easy enough, so I'm already wearing those. And my coat, though I'm quite aware Hiromoto thinks he can bring along a scarf and think I won't notice. Silly man.

I don't want to be early, so it's a smidge longer than an hour before we leave. Ori remains beside me, wearing a nicer version of the vest I'd had him in earlier. He's taken a larger form, his shoulders reaching past the top of my wheelchair. If I were standing, a whole 5' 8" with long legs, he'd still reach to my hip. In the absence of Hiromoto, I'll have to protect myself after all.

When we arrive in the lobby, I don't look around. I stare quite firmly at my hands, folded together over my always blanketed lap. I'm not sure why. I wish I could walk on my own, but after already standing, it would be too much. No need to worry anyone with a collapse and make myself ache for days. Luckily, I was not early. Hiromoto seems to spot them easily, wheeling me somewhere closer towards the door. Only then do I look up to gaze forward.

Leo isn't with him this time, replaced with a different man in the same uniform that keeps a little further back. But I don't focus on him. Like me, Juumonji seems to have opted for something slightly more casual than formal. Although at the end of the day, he's still a clan head and must always appear presentable.

"Shall we be off?"

He seems eager to leave the lobby. Or leave anywhere, if the slight tension by his eyes says anything. He might be the picture of relaxed and confident to anyone else, but these senses of mine can read people like books. I glance back at Hiromoto, but he seems to have already resigned himself to being left behind. He lets go of my chair, stepping a few paces back.

It's a small action, but the slight surprise and respectful nod towards Hiromoto tell me he knows what it means. I expect the other man to take my chair, but it's Juumonji himself who begins to push me. As we head towards the door, the other man gets the door for us, while I glance back towards my guardian.

I told him earlier that only after three hours should he come find me via the tracker in Ori's vest, but I know he'll be standing there waiting patiently for my return.

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