Chapter 2

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I could still hear their voices a couple of hours later. The sound of the front door had reached my ear a few times, so I can assume some of them left. But I wasn't planning on leaving until they were gone. Or maybe not until next morning.

My room was right next to my brother's. I kept it dark, the only light that came in was from a small window high up on the wall. It made a single square of light on the floor. I never touched it if it was daytime. Nighttime, I would sit and stare up at the window. I'd just.. think. I could spend long hours like that. During the day, I usually napped or played in the hallways. If I couldn't leave the room, I'd put my headphones on and listen to music.

I don't practice magic very often. If I do, it's with someone's supervision. I spar with Brother sometimes, and even Sis. I always lose. It doesn't bother me. If I am to live as a shadow behind my siblings, so be it. The only thing I cannot ignore is if my siblings are hurt. I can smell their blood or pain from anywhere. Once, Brother went someplace late at night. I fell asleep after he left, but woke when I sensed the spilling of his blood. When he returned, I was lurking in the shadows by his bedroom door. He didn't say a word about whatever happened, only taking off his shirt to prove he was okay, and then shooing me off to bed. I later learned his saved our step-mother from people who were trying to steal something extremely valuable from her.

I don't feel anything towards my parents. My only devotion is to my brother, and through him, my sister. Sis once called me a loyal dog. I told her she was half right. I was loyal, yes. But I was no dog. I was an untamed wolf, just like the feeling of Brother's presence can seem like to someone meeting him for the first time. One might say I am a manifestation of my brother's emotions and raw instinct.

But I will only ever follow his command. I use my magic for nobody else, not even Sis.


I grew bored easily. In the end, I left my room before they were completely gone, sneaking into the living room and sitting behind where Brother was sitting on the couch. I don't have to do anything to know he noticed my almost nonexistent presence. If I could use my magic every minute of every day, I would never leave his side. But I got sick too easily. Exposure to lots of magic makes me ill to the point of passing out. I was meant to be a bio-weapon, but I didn't have the physical strength for it.

I tuned out their conversation, just closing my eyes and waiting patiently. Not specifically for anything to happen, but just... waiting. Only four of his friends were left. Juumonji, who had taken a seat, Saegusa, Erika, and the boy called Leo. I got the sense the conversation would turn serious if a few more of them left.

About half an hour later, I was proven correct. Erika and Leo had left, not together, but both had left. Juumonji, Saegusa, Sis, and Brother were all that remained. They talked about something I didn't bother trying to understand, but the overall conversation was intense in nature. Brother seemed to be growing a bit weary of the topic. Without anyone noticing, I moved to the side of the couch Brother was on. My short stature kept me hidden, yet close enough to where if Brother only reached over the armrest and moved his hand down a bit, it'd be on my head. I closed my eyes after moving. Their talking was beginning to give me a headache. Are these people staying for dinner...?

They continued talking, but after a while, both finally left. Sis began to prepare dinner, while Brother sat still on the couch. After a few minutes, his hand was in my hair. He sighed, most likely closing his eyes to relieve some of the optical strain of constantly receiving information. Brother gathered information through his eyes, Sis through touch and smell, and me through taste. Licking or kissing a person could tell me all I needed to know. Their habits, preferred magic, any injuries they've sustained. Lots of things.

I have a limited variety of the magic I can use. I know a sequence that lets me heal people by licking their wounds, a sequence to control machines like vehicles and guns, and then what I call Beast. It's the form of magic that I was born with, what you might call my specialty. I'm not a genius like Brother, so the only way for me to explain it is that I turn into, well, a beast. Something about DNA, codes, and psions. Lamest explanation ever, but hey, it works.


"Yes, Brother?"

"I'm going to begin to take you to school. The Nine Schools Competition is beginning in a week. We need to work on your magic's stamina."

"In short, you want me to sustain Beast the entire duration of your school day. When I accomplish that, you're going to have me gathering information during the event?"

"Your instincts still work that well, even after being cooped up here for so long."

"Of course, my beloved Brother."

Silence follows. It doesn't bother me when he can't reply to a statement like that. I think his silence is better than him faking it. If only everyone else knew how hard it was to be him..

"Dinner's ready, you two!"

Oh well, don't really have time to worry about it now. I have food to eat!

Beast [Irregular at Magic High School fanfic] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now