Chapter 15

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I stared out the window of my room, out at the peach colored sky. Was it dawn or was it dusk? It was hard to tell. Time had little meaning to me here, where I could do little but lay connected to so many machines.

I wondered how my creations were doing. I had designed them here, after waking. It had been sheer impulse, merely a frantic expression of needing something to express myself with. Two machines built in canine form, made entirely for combat. I hoped they would have some effect on the war, though I had feeling I would be asked to make more of such creations.

Everything I try to create always ends up being a weapon. Everything. Tiny drone that hovers in the air? Used for surveillance. Limited function droid in human shape? Used as a hidden bomb. No matter what, the second the schematics left my hands to be built, they were corrupted. So when I actually created things meant to be weapons...

They came out almost too well.

My hand itches to move as it holds the pen, hovering over the blank notepad resting on the tray table in front and slightly to my right. I hear the door open, but I don't turn my gaze from the window. I can somewhat see my own reflection in it. Pale skin, hair the color of the darkest ink, one golden eye impassive and one ocean eye exhausted. Ocean. Greens mixed with blues, but paler than my brother's eyes. My face seems more adult-like than I remember, though I have not seen my own face in such a long time. Not since I left during the Nine Schools Competition.

I'm taller now, too. Still shorter than my brother by a slight amount though. Right now, my own body seems little more than sticklike. Thin arms, thin legs, slender torso. I don't know if I'm human or a praying mantis.

"Master Minoru, you have guests."

That's right... Since I woke, they've been calling me 'master'. Sis visited me and had explained the changes that occurred while I was gone, but it still felt weird to be called something I haven't been called since I was a child.

I respond to the woman's words with a nod. She opens the door again, this time waiting until two familiar scents enter before leaving. My heart beats heavily in my chest as I recognize those scents, and I unconsciously move my left hand to the fur of the brown wolf laying beside me.

"She should start announcing people when she says I have guests. I'm never prepared."

My dry comment earns me a smile, which I see as I turn my head to look at the duo. Leo grins, moving around to sit in the chair to my left, whilst he takes the chair to my right. Leo is first to speak.

"You haven't changed at all, Minoru."

"Well, not in the sense of personality I suppose."

The brown wolf besides me wags it's tail at the close proximity to Leo, who reaches out to pet its head. Ori recognizes him as a pack mate, which I'm not really convinced is a good thing. I glance over to my right, meeting a stern gaze that seemed to have been looking at my face. I find myself inclined to say something, though the suddenness of the thought makes my question a bit sporadic.

"Have you met them yet?"


"My hounds."

Leo seems surprised, continuing to scratch Ori's chin as he looks at me.

"Those things are yours?! They're huge!"

"I designed them, yes. Although they weren't supposed to be huge... I only calculated the energy needed for them to be the size of large dogs... If they made them bigger, I hope they accounted for the amount of energy usage and altered the biometric computorial core unit to allow for enough power to the frontal behavioral system and the failsafe. Oh darn, I bet they made them heavier too then, so the suspensory movement I planned out won't work right either. They always change my stuff, like it's not going to work!"

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