Chapter 10

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All day, I've barely done anything. I only check the CADs at the end of the day or specific ones before tournaments. Other than that, I just sit around awkwardly in the oppressive heat. Hmm, what animals are good with heat..? Camels are, but I hate them, they're gross. Not to mention huge. I prefer small animals...

Ah, what's the use? I can't use my magic anyways, not with all these people around. Shmrr. This heat is making me not even act like myself...

Footsteps crept up behind me while I glared down at my sketchbook as if it was the cause for this dastardly weather.

"Minoru-kun, are you alright? You seem upset."

I look behind me to see the black haired Saegusa. She seems genuinely concerned, yet also as if something is bothering her.

"I'm fine. However, I was under the impression you were stationed at headquarters, not stuck in the heat overseeing the Boy's Battle Board."

"Ah, I came to see how Hanzo was doing. Last year we had interference during the Girl's Battle Board, which ended in a devastating accident. I've been a bit nervous ever since."

"Understandable. I don't think you need to worry too much. People rarely do the same thing twice in these cases."

She looks at me curiously, but my eyes are up to the sky as a bird flies past. I envy the birds, with their gift of flight. To soar through the air with one's own ability... such a thing seems like paradise. I've never been a bird before. Their minds are too scattered to handle the quick thinking I'm required of.

But they are beautiful creatures, truly.


After the competitions were over for the day, I returned straight to the room, passing up the offered food. I don't feel like eating. The room is empty when I arrive, the others probably socializing at dinner.

I grab my tablet once again, configuring and designing my automaton. I'm still confused as to what I'd like it to look like, but designing the interior hardware comes first anyways. I'm still working on it when Leo returns. He moves to stand next to my desk area, and I temporarily ignore his presence.

"You really don't like interacting with other people, do you?"

I pause, blinking a bit before tilt my head away from him, turning it slightly in his direction so he knows I'm listening.

"That's twice you've passed on dinner. Your brother asked me if you were acting strange. I don't think so, but I don't know you that well.."

"It's not that I don't like it. I view things in a more primal way than others do. I'd end up creeping everyone off and be stuck by myself. Better to stay up here."

"Your siblings and us are there too, you know..."

My gaze moves out the window as I stand up. I stare directly at the cause for alarm for a moment, before suddenly grabbing Leo and shoving him out of the way. The sound of shattering glass rings in my ears as I'm flung to the floor of the room. Vibrating Magic, cast upon the windows of the building. I shake my head as I stand, looking to where Leo is shaking the glass from his clothes.

"We're under attack."


Each school evacuated the building quickly, moving into different shelters around the base. I purposely made sure Leo lost me in the crowd before slipping away. The magic was cast from the direction of the sea and the mountain simultaneously, a feat only possible if the source on the mountain had already been in place..

I cough as I'm caught by the back of my collar and pulled back in the direction of the evacuation. A glance over my shoulder shows the side view of Jumonji's stern expression.

"Just what were you trying to do, Shiba?"

I glare a little at him, trying to fight the hand holding me back.

"Run away, which is what we should be doing rather than grouping ourselves and making us more vulnerable. Honestly, what's the point of having instincts when you don't listen to them.."

"We'll bus everyone out of the base. The military will handle this, it's not a city. There's no need for a volunteer army. Or running away on your own. I'm sure your siblings would worry."

A knife twists my heart, and I go limp. He pauses, but I'm no longer present in the world, staring at the ground with a slightly saddened expression. He begins walking again, letting go on my collar and wrapping a large hand around my arm. I can't help the words that slip out of my mouth unintentionally.

"I'd like to see that someday."

He halts, turning and looking me in the eye. I don't say anything more, simply staring back. My eyes burn faintly, the telltale sign to me that they've turned golden. The only manifestation of the familiar that is me. His voice is softer in volume, not so harsh and strict.

"You don't like talking about them."

"Not really. All I ever hear is how brilliant they are. My brother barely expresses anything towards me, and my sister is too wrapped up in making him not feel like what our family made him into. All I do is sit alone with myself. So no, I don't like talking about them."

I pull my arm out of his grasp, casting Beast by memory. I stare into his eyes as my body morphs with pops and crunches and bones are moved and muscles replaced. Within a mere minute, I'm standing as a large wolf in front of him.

"As much as I like you, I'm not going back. Perhaps we may meet again, Juumonji Katsuto."

The world becomes a blur as I dash away, seeking sanctuary in the woods. I'll allow him to sense where I am... but no one else. My attachments to my siblings have long faded. I will live as a wolf now, in the wild where I've always belonged.

Time to go there.

Beast [Irregular at Magic High School fanfic] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now