Chapter 20

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There was a small feeling of relief when I finally began to see recognizable members of the Saegusa family milling about. Still, the absence of the other family worries me. It's so odd that neither he nor her are socializing... especially as the forefront heirs and acting heads.

I continue to sit at my table off to the side, and it becomes very quiet as others begin to keep their distance. I don't know if it's because of Ori or Hiromoto's natural intimidation, but nobody else seems too keen on getting close. Though that doesn't stop the curious looks. My guardian eventually excuses himself, and it's around this time that I see my siblings return to begin making the rounds or to find their own quiet spot to sit and let others come to them. I observe their interactions for a while. For the most part even my brother is fairly polite and cordial, and my sister seems to be enjoying herself. I can see some slight fatigue in their movements though, which could either mean something happened beforehand or their meeting was a stressful one. The party mask is a way for them to detox from the negative emotions, though I have no doubt my brother's guard is as steel a wall as ever.

Sometimes I remember the old days, when it was just us three in that house. When my life was simple and limited, and I only had to worry about one body. My brother was my entire world then. When he abandoned his control over Ori, I felt so abandoned. Now... I just feel blank. Vacant. I remember that love I held for him so vividly... but that memory only illustrates the dullness of it now. My world is no longer focused upon him. Now it is myself. Both halves of me, and what I must do and think and feel to be safe and content. Hmf.


The information he presents is always something to be contemplated. This is merely an observation of ourself, and I can only send back my agreement. We are lonely. My guardian is company, but he's not exactly the company I seek. Though I can't say what company that is...

My guardian returns, and sets a cup of tea in front of me. I say nothing, picking it up and blowing on the steaming surface before taking a careful sip. Bitter. Good, I need it that way right now. The warmth of the drink is calming, enough so that Ori sits back on his haunches instead of continuing to stand. This is enough satisfaction for my guardian, who returns to mirroring a statue. I keep my focus on the tea, grounding myself with the simple facts of it. How hot it is, the taste, the color, the possible materials of the cup, the pattern of it, the color of the cup, the way it ripples with movement.

Perhaps it is my study of the cup that nearly prevents me from noticing him. It is through my other half that my senses take notice, and he stands again. I don't look away from the tea, though my focus is no longer it's surface. My eyes see what his do. The broad figure descending the stairs, accompanied closely by a slightly slimmer but equally as familiar person. They both scan the hall filled with others who either have not yet taken notice or are simply watching to see what they'll do. As they begin to move once more, they are lost in the crowd, and I pull my focus back to my own vision. He finally has made an appearance. That is enough knowledge for me to feel a little more at ease.

Their arrival is greeted eagerly by many others, and the noise of the hall raises with the sound of many calling out greetings. I close my eyes, taking another drink of my bitter tea.


I nearly spit it back out. I had shut out Ori's senses temporarily to drink, as it was disorienting when doing so, and unintentionally blinded myself to his arrival. I open my eyes quickly, swallowing and setting down my tea. But I don't look at him. I can't really bring myself to, under these circumstances, and my lips press into a thin line. If he minds my rudeness, he says nothing of it. He slips into the seat the engineer had been in, practically forcing me to look at him. Leo stands close to my guardian, and a glance at him tells me enough. He's wearing the Juumonji clan's crest on his uniform. Most likely working under him then, in a close position. I forget they fought together in the war. I refocus on him, taking in the neat suit he's wearing and his neat, almost military appearance. He's always looked like that. Even when I first met him and it was just a school alumni uniform.

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