Chapter 22

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"Get any remaining civilians or employees out of the building. We must make information our priority and regroup with those in the ballroom."


I watch the soldier race away quickly, before turning my attention to Saijou. A medic is crouched beside him, quickly binding an injury to his arm. No time for healing spells now. He's grimacing, but I know that look.


How could we have allowed such a well-planned attack occur during a time such as this one? So many important figures in that room, no doubt under their own situation. As for us... we'd been in the study, speaking with my father when several armed men attacked through the windows and from the hall. Needless to say, they'd been dispatched quickly, but...

As we'd advanced further towards the ballroom, we found the building having a rather large number of uninvited guests. The most we were able of doing currently was advancing room by room, hallway by hallway. Now we've advanced far enough to group up with enough of the security teams to properly evacuate the rest of the building.

At least my father and the former Saegusa head were reasonable, and should have been escorted to escape routes by now.

"Rather a bunch of rats, isn't it?"

I glance towards the security member who made the comment, but I don't respond. He already knows we're all in agreement. Leo joins me at my side, and I give the signal to push ahead once more.

We only have the rest of this wing, and then we can reach the ballroom.

Shiba is still in there.

I cast my magic at the first sign of danger, and several attacks meet my barrier shield. The security forces still assisting our advances all fire back, and the clash begins again.

"Saijou! Throw off their order!"

"On it!"

I focus on keeping my shield steady, protecting the forces behind me as he rushes out. He's better in a close quarters fight- and Fortification Magic makes him very good at getting there intact.


Leo defeats two of the attackers before the security forces fire again on my command. Their volley takes down another two, but there are still a good few more-

A scream splits the sounds of combat, not from our side. The enemy seems confused, and Leo takes another down before looking further down the hall in surprise. I follow his gaze, in time to see a man fall convulsing to the ground before falling still.

An ally?

Another one gargles, vomiting blood and spawning as they fall to the ground. The remaining enemy begin to run, in an attempt to get away from the unseen attacker. One doesn't make it. The rest have only one way to go.

We don't waste the opportunity.

Leo gets another, and several attacks from our forces take others. I land a powerful hit to one's abdomen, doubling him over before a swift hit with my magic to his head finishes him. It's not lethal, but he won't be a problem for quite a while.

The fighting stills, and I look again down the hall. Past Leo, to the last one to fall down from an unseen attack. Now, however, it's very clear what happened.

A shadowy version of a canine, fangs bared and snarling as one golden eye glows with hostility. The other eye shifts constantly, darting as if trying to desperately see everywhere at once.

Ori. Shiba's inhuman half.

Why is he not protecting him? And he seems quite agitated...

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