Chapter 13

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My body feels unnaturally heavy, as if lead ran through my veins rather than blood. It was disturbing, not being able to move. Not that I really had been able to before, but there's a comfort in knowing that one is capable in movement.


My thoughts seems to get fuzzier by the hour. I can hear the constant sound of the machines they have hooked up to me; one of which has been wailing for the past few hours. I know, without knowing, what is going on. Without my familiar half, my body is frail and easily damaged. The constant experiments of these people have run down my life to these few moments. Strange, how everything becomes clearer by knowing you're dying.

I wonder how my future could have turned out if it weren't for Ori. Ha, I already know the answer. I would have spent my life in a hospital bed, never meeting my siblings, their friends.... those men. I'd be dead, only mentally rather than physically.

Thick liquid seeps up from my throat as loud booms echo through the building's structure. I feel it dribbling out of my mouth as a bright flash blinds me, the room shaking violently. I hear crashes all around me, my vision slowly clearing. I get a glimpse of concrete before the pain explodes in my abdomen, running down my legs. I try to breath through the liquid, but I only choke, gasping and hacking for air.

I don't remember anything being so painful...

no... I do remember...
I remember....

That day.... when I...

Woke up...

Beast [Irregular at Magic High School fanfic] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now