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     Michael didn't change that much since the last time I saw him. His hair seemed darker and was longer. He had glasses but only used them when he needed to. I hope he doesn't remember the nickname he gave me. Besides going by Katherine, I'll accept Kat. But Michael wanted to call me by something else. Just as I sat down he says; "Hello Kitty, haven't seen you in a while." I shot him a death glare. He only called me "Kitty" when we were dating. He didn't actually start saying that until we had sex. Yes, I was on of the few to lose my virginity during high school. Michael was the type of guy who looked a bit emo, was really into video games (if you didn't know any better, it would seem like he was on drugs), ate pizza almost every day without gaining a pound and had one of the most dirtiest minds in school. Video games and sex were pretty much his religion. It was difficult to get through the rest of class with the itchy feeling that he was staring at me. Somehow I managed to get through the rest of the day.

Math sucked. My teacher was too old to remember what she's teaching. Art class was alright. It wasn't easy, but I could handle it.

In Science the next day, we had a simple assignment. We had to mix two chemicals (which I could not pronounce nor spell) together. If it bubbled up and fizzled back down; we succeeded. If it did nothing; we failed. Everyone was assigned a partner, and to make it "easy" tmr teacher chose your lab partner for you. We sat in rows, each row had six students. The first two kids were partners. And guess who was third in my row; the boy from gym. He was my partner. The blonde boy was shy at first, twirling his pencil in his hand and tapping his foot. "You okay?" The boy looked up at me with these bright blue eyes, "Yea, my name's L-Luke." He put his hand out for me to shake, but it was already shaking from his nerves. I reached out and shook his hand, "Katherine. You can call me Kat."

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