Chapter 16

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A/N Ashton went to a different school than Luke, Michael, & Calum but in this story they go to the same school so it's easier to connect the dots. In reality, Kat & Taylor (+Ash) go to different schools but keep in touch by phone.

I woke up to darkness, trying to catch my breath.

"You okay, honey?" My mom asks scrambling into my room to see what's wrong.

I put a hand to my forehead, "Just a bad dream."

"Ok. Just make sure you get ready for school on time."

When I got to art class Taylor didn't leave me alone.

" did it go!" She said playfully punching my arm.

I slightly rubbed my arm where she hit me, "It was good, don't need to beat me up for it."

"Did he fooking ask you out yet or what?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah but it's no big deal."

Her jaw dropped with a serious face, "Are you fucking kidding me? OF COURSE IT'S A BIG DEAL!" Her facial expression quickly changed to a smile,"Luke finally asked you out! This is your first boyfriend this year!"

I rolled my eyes. She flips out over the simple things in my love life.
But so do I.

"I know, and he was so sweet! He made a picnic and everything at the park we first went to."

"Tell me all about, and don't leave out a single detail or I'll cut your throat," Taylor warned sarcastically.

I told her pretty much everything that happened. I had to summarize some parts - like the kissing. 'I got my first kiss with him and he's a good kisser too.' Taylor freaked {excitedly} about what happened that day.

When I went outside for gym, Calum and Luke were playing basketball. "Isn't Calum cute when he makes a basket?" Nicole asked watching her boyfriend score over and over again.

"Well if I said that it might be considered cheating."

"What, how?"

"I...have a boyfriend."

Her face light up. "OMGGG! Who! No wait, is it Luke?"
I nodded my head and she jumped up and down. "You guys look so cute together! How'd he ask you?"

"Over a picnic he made for the two of us."

"That's so sweet! Let's go talk to him." She dragged me over to Calum and Luke. Luke greeted me with a wave and smile. He was sweating from playing basketball in the heat.

Luke realised and waved. He stuck a poise trying to impress me. "Hey, nice to see you" Luke said in between pants.

"You too. You're all sweaty, though." He apologized and began to remove his arm from my waist. "No, it's ok." I said putting his hand back on me.

"I guess there's no more Cake," Nicole said with a pout. Cake was Calum & Luke's bromance name that she created.

"We may have girlfriends but we're still here," Calum said kissing Nicole.

After gym class, Luke walked me to my next period. Through the halls we got smiles from other girls and Luke got a few pats-on-the-back's & 'nice job' from guys. ...Then we ran into Taylor.

She jumped in front of us, leaving Ash a few steps behind."You guys are so cute together! Total OTP."

"Uh, thanks?" Luke didn't understand what 'OPT' meant.
When she walked away Luke whispered in my ear, "What does 'OTP' mean?"

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