Confessions: part 1

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A/N: Each chapter will be posted when the previous one reaches 30 reads.
I am working on the next chapter and I will update with any upcoming information :)

I can't wait to go to school. I don't say that often. Luke is such a fun person to hang around with. He was shy at first but once I got to know him, he's really cool. We've bonded so much over the weekend and have become friends. "One step at a time," I tell myself. Yes, I have to admit - I have a crush on Luke Hemmings.

I hop out of bed, get dressed and ready, and leave for school. I'm not old enough to drive my own car yet so my mom drives me to school.
At school:

When I get out of the car I spot Luke. He just got out of his car and is waving goodbye to his mom.

"Yes mom. Okay, I know. Love you too." Liz drives off and Luke starts to walk towards the building.

"Luke!" I call after him.

He turns to my direction and waves with a sweet smile. Aw. I don't what it is about him but he makes me smile.

His friend walks up behind him puts his arm around Luke. He turns around to meet the boy and starts talking to him. There goes my chance. Or not. Luke turns back to face me, a couple of meters away, and invites me over there by a wave of his hand. "Don't be shy, Calum won't bite," he hollers.

"Go on Ms. All American," I turn around to find Michael leaning against a wall.

"Fuck off." I turn back around leaving Michael and walk to Luke.

"Hey," I say in a more cheerful tone.

"Kat, this is Calum. Calum, this is Katherine." Luke introduces us. I've never truly met him. Nicole talks about Calum and I've talked to them together but not just Calum.

"Hi," I shake his hand that he reached out to me. "I'm Katherine, or just Kat. Nicole's friend."

"Ah, you're Katherine. I have heard of you through Nicole. All good things."

"Haven't heard anything bad from her, ever."

"Well you've met. Bell rings soon. Katherine, we should be going or we'll be late." Luke insists.
Is that an excuse? Is Luke trying to leave Calum to walk off with me? Does he like me?

I look at the clock above th front door. School opens in two minutes but class doesn't start 'till ten.

"Uh, yeah. Nice seeing you again, Cal."

The bell rings and kids shove themselves, and others, through the doors. Luke and I walk into school and enter the hallway.

"So how's the volcano going?" It's been a day since.

" The same. Think I'm gonna do it without you?" Luke asks.

"Well I guess not but it wasn't finished." We were barley halfway done.

"We started that together, we finish it together." Luke was sincere.

I smiled again. What is with this boy? He always says the right thing at the right time. Always puts a smile on my face. Maybe it's his looks. Nah, it's everything about him.

Luke walked me to our class. On the way a student was running through the hall and nearly bumped into me. "Hey, watch it." Luke told the guy, holding me close so I wouldn't have been hit. His arm wrapped around me, centimeters from hugging. Our bodies were so close together, all I had to do was put my arms around him. As much as I wanted to the 5-minute warning bell rang.

"You okay?" Luke gently let go of me from his arms. He let his hand drop down to his side, brushing against mine.

"Yeah I'm alright."

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