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I could barley believe one of my best friends from Florida is on the other side of the globe, in Australia!

I've known Julie since sixth grade, for five years. Ninth grade was hard. It was a new school on a new continent. I moved here when I was in eighth grade, right before high school. I've made new friends while I kept my old ones close. Long distance phone calls and video chatting helped. My father got an "once in a life time" job offer so we had to move. Apparently this job will help pay the electric bill and keep a roof over our heads. So in order to live a 'happier life' we move across the globe. Taylor had some family down here and her perfect career was here. So she moved down a few months before me.

Today we had to run a mile. Gross. You may think running a mile is easy, not when you're on your period. Julie was ready for this, her first day starts off with one of her best friends. Her other best friend here is Taylor, which she doesn't yet know is here. The coaches were talking about how we have to go at our one pace, try our best, don't cheat by walking your way though it ect... Luke seemed a little shy to talk today. Do I know why? Nope. He looks down at the ground and rocks back and forth on his heels. I try to call him but with the coaches watching and the four rows of kids between us, I don't think he'll notice. The whistle is blown and we're off running. I start with a light jog and look for Luke. "What're you looking for?" Julie hasn't heard about Luke. I don't see him in the crowd yet.

"Just a friend."

I still can't find him. Is he walking? Did he go to the nurse? Maybe he ran ahead of me. Nope, no where in sight. I hope he's okay.

I felt a poke on my shoulder. Must be Julie asking again.

"Peek-a-boo." Not Julie. Behind me is a blue eyed and blonde hair boy smiling sweetly at me.

"Luke! I couldn't find you, you alright?" I began to worry about him.

"Yea, all good. Well I guess I'll see you later, bye Katherine," He jogged ahead of me and caught up with one of his friends. The dark haired boy, possibly Asian, started talking to Luke.

"He's cute. How old is he?"

"Hey, you have a boyfriend. Not sure, maybe fourteen."

"I don't give a poop, does he like you?" She says "poop" a lot. It's her trademark.

"I don't know," I haven't really thought about it. He's quite most of the time.

"Well he's looking you now."

I looked in front of me to see Luke looking back at us.

After the mile, Julie and I went to get some water and head back to the gym. We were walking around before going inside so we can catch our breath. I spotted Luke approaching the water jugs. He was sweating - a lot. His hair was wet and sticking to him, his shirt had got partially soaked, and from where we were standing, I could here some of his little pants trying to catch his own breath. He saw me and gave a little wave.

~~~~~~~~~~Luke's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

It was too hot for this. The heat. The running. My muscles ached. My heart thumped wildly. Maybe it was because I wore myself out or those shorts on Katherine. No I shouldn't be thinking about her body. Wouldn't it look nice on top of you? I asked myself. She's not even my girlfriend. I haven't liked a girl in two years. And after going through puberty, I haven't had these much sexual desires. I know my mom wouldn't approve but what can I do about it? Those shorts are so tight. No, change the subject. I try to ask Calum something but he's chugging down some water. I sigh, does she even like me? Katherine and I haven't talked since last week when we ended up in detention together. Together. How wonderful it would be to use that word and mean it. Together, I repeat to myself. Going to class together. Holding hands together. Having intimate talks together. Getting to scre- okay too far. I try to focus on Calum to get my mind off of things. He's leaning his arm against a tree, talking to his girlfriend. Calum and Nicole have been dating for almost two months now. They met eachother at a party a friend of Cals' hosted over the summer. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to him. When they walked away to make out in another hallway, I just wondered around awkwardly. That's who I am. A shy, awkward little blonde boy. I'm smart, especially at math. I signed up to be a math tutor, hoping I could get extra credit. I haven't heard back from my math teacher yet. I hope I made it. I change subjects too much and too fast. I should focus on one thing until it leads to another.

I got some water and went over to Calum and try to make small talk.

Flashback in Katherine's POV

Dating: 10 months

I waited for Michael just like he told me. Under the cherry tree, seven houses down to the left. He lived in a nice little neighborhood. My house was a few streets down but in walking distance. I reached the tree, seven houses down, on the left side of the street. It was sunset. Michael said he'd be here before the sun sets. Now I began to believe my phone read the wrong time. I hope I didn't miss him, I'm only two minutes late. I don't want to stay outside in the cold December much longer now. Yes I had a Nirvana sweatshirt on but the wind chill only made matters worse. I fixed my scarf and looked around, scanning anything. The trees, bushes, houses, and cars. No sign of Michael. Anywhere. I click on my phone to send him a text. I type, Hey Mikey, I'm here. C u soon?

The wind blows sending my hair over my face. I sigh, where the hell is he? If my parents find out about this I'll be grounded for eternity.

My parents want me, well they expect me to remain a virgin until I want a baby in my belly and a husband to father it. But Michael and I have been dating for about ten months now, we've known eachother for 2 years.

"Peek-a-boo!" Michael screamed and jumped out from behind me.

I gasped and said, "What the hell? I almost pissed myself."

"Not as much as an organasim," he smirked "be ready for one later."

"Not unless you can get me in your bed." We planned this about a month ago. The right day where both of our parents wouldn't be home. Michael was hot. Not exactly sexy, but he had a sex drive. I was turned on by him. He played guitar and just by watching his fingers move over the strings made me have the desire for him to do the same inside of me.

"What would you like to try first?" Michael asked, locking his bedroom door behind him, "Any moves, tips, tricks or kinks? I've got plenty we can try."

"What kind of kinks do you mean?" I asked with a smirk.

He looked at me with a small smile, "Can we try a kitty kink?"

I gave him permission. He unwraveled my scarf and helped take off my boots and socks. I took off my sweatshirt and jeans while he did the same. "Come sit down, Kitty," Michael patted the spot next to him on his bed. I sat down and he made his way on top of me. "You look so pretty." Michael started my giving me small kisses down my neck, to my stomach and waistband. Then he trailed himself back up to my collerbone where he sucked on it lightly.

I let out a little moan, "Mmm-Mikey."

"Hush, little Kitty." He whispered in my ear. Then he licked a thin stripe down my neck.

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