Eleven || Setting Up Camp

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Heya! Apologies if this chapter seems a bit rushed, we're getting closer to the end of the story and I'm just so excited to finish this! I hope you enjoy the chapter lovelies! Tell me what you think in the comments :)


The sky in the Doodlesphere darkens as nighttime falls upon the universe. A white glow emanates from the many sheets of paper that are other universes, they almost look like square-shaped stars. You pause for a moment to look out of your window at the scenery, then turn away to continue packing your things.

You don't have much to bring with you, just your old clothes and a few black hair ties, so you finish packing fairly quickly. After slinging your new backpack over your shoulder, you stop to glance in the mirror at yourself.

The backpack even matches your new uniform, it's black with subtle yellow accents on the zippers. The recent cut that Nightmare gave to your cheek is starting to heal, it's definitely gotten smaller since you last checked. The usual bags underneath your eyes have faded slightly since joining the Star Sanses on this adventure, you suppose that's a sign that you made the right choice. A gentle smile forms on your lips as you realize how much you've grown and changed, you're proud of yourself.

With one final look around your bedroom, you head into the hallway and shut the door behind you.

You stride down the hall and descend the grand staircase, meeting up with the rest of your team in the foyer. Blue seems to be practicing some new bone attacks with Dream's supervision, Red and Classic are both grumpy that they didn't get to go to sleep, Cross is just plain silent, and Ink is bouncing on his heels in anticipation. When the artistic skeleton spots you, his face lights up and he approaches you quickly.

"Heya, (Y/N)!" He says, "I wanted to ask ya something,"

Your cheeks flare up and a storm of butterflies flutters in your stomach, "Y-Yeah?"

"I was wondering...did you want to lead us in this battle?" Ink says with an encouraging smile. The butterflies die down immediately and you visibly deflate.

"Oh." You mumble, "Er...sure, that sounds like a good idea,"

Ink seems bothered by your reaction, "I mean, you don't have to if you're not comfortable with it. I was just making a suggestion since you came up with the idea,"

"No, it sounds fine. I'll lead," You say shortly. Ink frowns slightly at this, wondering why your mood changed so suddenly.

"Heh...o-okay, pal," He says awkwardly. The rest of the group eyes you and Ink questionably, but says nothing.

"I'll open up the portal out front and you can all file in one at a time after I give the okay," You explain, "we need to be quiet just in case,"

"GOT IT!!" Blue exclaims.

"Hah, your enthusiasm is always appreciated, Blue," You say with a grin, "Cross, how about you come in after me since you're a bit familiar with the terrain?" Your friend nods in response.

"if we get caught by any humans, i'm gonna count on you to get us outta the situation, kid," Red says, pointing a phalange at you accusingly.

"Sure thing, Mustard Man," You reply. This earns a small giggle from Dream.

"Alright, let's head outside and get going!" Ink says eagerly. Without another word, the seven of you head through the front doors.

After adjusting the straps on your backpack, you take a deep breath in an attempt to concentrate. You haven't opened a portal in a while, hopefully you've still got it.

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