Six || A Plan

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Ahh! Finally got out this chapter! Thanks so much for waiting! I hope you all like it, there's some good stuff that happens in this part ;)


Your boots hit stone as you step out of the portal into a different AU.

Huh, this is a strange material... You think, scuffing the ground with your foot. A little cloud of gray dust forms where you kicked the ground. Your gaze turns upward and your jaw drops.

The sky is an endless expanse of stars. It's filled with all shades of blue and purple, you've never seen anything so mesmerizing. You do nothing but gape at the sight above you, completely enchanted. Staring up at the sky, you've never felt so small.

Cross, on the other hand, is unfazed. He must come here often.

You hear Ink step through the portal behind you and move out of the way so he can get through. Dream closes the portal and lets out a sigh of relief. You tear your eyes away from the sky and turn your attention to him.

"C'mon, let's see if OT Sans is willing to let us hide out with him. Maybe he'll let us stay long enough to figure out a plan," Dream states. He starts heading towards a small town in the distance, all of its buildings are made of the same material as the ground. Blue and Cross follow him at a brisk pace while you decide to stay back and admire the sky for a bit longer.

Ink stands to your right, amused at your facial expression.

"Is this your first time in Outertale?" He asks.

"It's my first time going to another AU besides the one I was just in. I've never gotten the chance to explore the multiverse, Nightmare never let me," You reply somberly, "I've heard a lot about these places but I've never actually been to one,"

"," Ink says, "Guess we have a lot of exploring to do, then,"

"I guess so, but right now we should focus on staying safe and away from Nightmare," You say, "Let's go join the others,"

"Right...let's go," Ink replies, a hint of sadness in his voice.

The two of you stride into town in a somewhat comfortable silence. You're quickly able to find Dream, Blue, and Cross (mostly because of Blue's voice). You and Ink step over to join them and Ink greets his friends happily. Cross nods at you and you nod back.

"His House Should Be Just Past The Librarby!" Blue states, practically skipping further into town. Dream giggles at him and jogs to catch up to the energetic skeleton.

"Did he just say Librarby..?" You ask Ink. He lets out a laugh.

"Yeah, the library sign is misspelled," Ink says. Sure enough, when you pass the building its sign says in big, bold letters "LIBRARBY". You can't help but grin.

The three of you continue walking through town quietly. Cross and you avoid eye contact with the townspeople while Ink attempts to greet every single one of them.

"Hello! I really like your sweater!"

"Hi, how are you doing today?"

"Hey, nice shoes!!"

You stare at him incredulously as he does this, in shock at how he's so kind to complete strangers.

Justice (Ink!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now