Thirteen || Back At The Castle

911 39 69


You're cold.

You turn over in your bed, reaching for the blankets.

Huh? Where are my covers?

You reach around blindly, but only find a cool, hard surface.

Yeesh, since when was my mattress so hard? I don't think it's memory foam...

You bring yourself to open your heavy eyelids, squinting around the room. It's quite dark, you're not able to make out very much. The blur in your eyes doesn't help either.

Squinting harder, you're able to see that your surroundings are mostly made of dark brick. Wait...this place seems familiar to you. But why? Is this just a part of Ink's house that you hadn't really seen yet?

Ink...what happened to Ink?

Last thing I remember is kissing him...then getting into my tree.

My tree.

The fight.

You sit bolt upright, clenching your fists tightly. Nightmare kidnapped you and now you must be in his dungeon, no wonder this place seems so familiar! Are the others okay? Are they coming to rescue you? Trying to break out on your own would be pointless, Nightmare put countless enchantments and charms on this place to ensure that no one would escape.

Why would he kidnap you, though? Why didn't he just steal your soul and kill you when he had the chance?

"Hello, (Y/N)," A deep voice says, "I see you've regained consciousness,"

You stagger to your feet, still disoriented, "Why did you bring me here, you freak!? What's so important about keeping me alive, huh?!"

A dark chuckle escapes Nightmare's mouth as he emerges from the inky blackness, his eye glowing brightly.

"You really want to know?" He asks, leaning towards the bars of your cell, "I suppose I can tell you, since you're going to be locked in here for as long as I need you,"

Lunging forward, you attempt to swipe through the bars at Nightmare's grinning face. He simply takes a step back, avoiding your attack effortlessly.

"That wasn't very polite, was it?" Nightmare says, tilting his head, "I was kind enough to refrain from chaining you to the wall and this is how you repay me?"

"You? Kind?" You scoff, "Please, don't make me laugh,"

"I wouldn't dream of it," Nightmare replies, his gaze sinking into yours, "now, where was I? You wanted to know why you're here, correct?"

"...Yes," You mumble, dropping your head. 

"That's what I thought," Nightmare says. You can hear the smirk in his voice, it creates a burning anger in your soul.

"Originally, I sent Cross to your universe to seek you out since there was something...different about your soul," Nightmare says, leaning against a nearby wall, "I could sense it from many universes away, your soul is capable of much more than the average human soul,"

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