Twelve || The Fight

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Heyo! Hope you all enjoy the chapter, I'm not the best at fight scenes but I'll try my best for y'all. Leave a comment and let me know what you thought lovelies! <3


The once peaceful meadow shifts into a place of nightmares. Literally.

From your spot at the top of an oak tree, you peek through the dense branches and manage to see a group of figures in the distance. At their entrance, the morning sky becomes slowly drenched in thick black clouds that look more like smoke than anything else. Thunder rumbles in these smoky clouds and a few sparks of blinding white lightning illuminate the field. Even the energy of the place shifted at the villains' presence, a horrible sinking feeling drops in your stomach.

You have to stay brave, you have to stay brave.

Nightmare's tentacles writhe to and fro, they look like they each have a mind of their own. He's at the center of the group, his followers and allies stride with him on both sides. Killer and Horror on his right, Error and Dust on his left. Error's multicolored eyes stand out against the darkening scene, their multicolored glow burning into his surroundings. You don't want to go against him, the two of you were never really enemies, but you suppose it's necessary to stop Nightmare.

Although there's seven on your team and only five on Nightmare's, you still think it'll be a fair fight. With a literal destroyer of worlds and the embodiment of fear on their side, they definitely have more than enough power. A thought suddenly occurs to you.

Their arrogance could be their downfall, You think, if I had to, I could use flattery or compliments as a last resort.

A sudden burst of courage sparks within you, your vibrant yellow soul pulsing with strength. Finally, after all this time, Nightmare's going to get what's coming for him. This thought brings a little smirk to your face.

You watch the villains spread out, just like you thought they would, in an attempt to familiarize themselves with the terrain. Justice flares up inside you and your sword flickers to life, materializing in your dominant hand. It seems easier to hold than it was before, hopefully it won't disappear in the middle of a fight.

Following your plan, you silently drop from your branch and hit the ground lightly. The others follow your lead, teleporting or jumping down from their various perches. Once everyone's ready, you give them a nod and slowly creep towards the closest enemy. Ink and you head towards Error, Red goes for Dust, Classic goes to Horror, Cross heads to Killer, and Dream and Blue go for Nightmare.

All at once, your team summons their weapons and breaks into full-on sprints. Just as you thought, Nightmare and his followers were caught off guard.

Red immediately has an advantage over Dust, he pins him to the ground with several sharp bone attacks and sends two gaster blasters to guard him. Cross and Killer clash in an ear-splitting knife fight, their chosen weapons colliding loudly. They're both quick and highly trained, but you think Cross may be stronger.

Horror slices through the air with his axe in Classic's direction, missing every time. The lazier skeleton dodges each attack with ease, a signature Sans grin on his face the entire time. Dream immediately opens fire on his twin, pelting the negative skeleton with arrows of positive energy. Blue helps the best he can, sending an army of blue bone attacks at Nightmare. Even though Dream's arrows do affect him, he continues to fight.

Ink splashes Error with purple paint that turns into tight bindings, restricting the glitchy skeleton from using his strings. He breaks out of his restraints to attack Ink, but you knock him off of his feet in the blink of an eye.

You glance over to Cross, who seems to be winning against Killer. He's clearly using the determination within himself, both of his eye lights are red and his power is undeniable. Horror seems to be getting tired of fighting Classic, he pants heavily and the grip on his axe no longer seems effortless. Classic, on the other hand, looks like he could go all day.

"(Y/N)!!! Look out!!"

You tear your gaze away from the fights and just barely miss one of Nightmare's tentacles. Dream races after his brother, but he's knocked away by another tentacle.

"Y o u." Nightmare snarls, slithering across the field. Fear strikes your soul instantly, but your sense of justice overpowers it.

"You filthy, ungrateful traitor," He growls, picking up speed, "we have unfinished business to discuss," You grip your sword tightly, ready more than ever to slice his skull clean off. Before you're able to do anything, however, Ink blocks his path and swipes his brush through the air, creating a solid wall of black paint.

"What're you doing?!" Ink hisses, dragging you away from Nightmare, "You can't just face him like that!"

"Yes I can!" You retaliate, pulling in the opposite direction, "I'll cut his head off!"

"No, no, no, we have to work together on that!" Ink says, "Dream's positive energy is the only thing that truly harms Nightmare, we can—"

"KID! WATCH YOUR BACK!!" Red yells.

"What?" You call.

A slimy black tentacle wraps around your midsection.


You can't move your arms. You can't teleport. He froze your soul.


You let out a panicked shriek, you don't know what to do. You can't escape. The others race towards you to help, but they're held off by Nightmare's allies.


Your legs kick around uselessly, Nightmare just shifts his form to avoid your attacks. He turns you around to face him, his single teal eye boring into yours.

"You. Are coming. With me."

Your last desperate scream is drowned out when Nightmare teleports away into the shadows, bringing you along with him. The cries of your friends become muffled as the world morphs around you, you wonder if that's the last you'll ever hear of them.

The silence presses in on your ears and squeezes your brain, you shut your eyes and completely black out. me.


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