Three || Your New Worst Enemy

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The artistic skeleton stands in the doorway, panting heavily from the fight he just came from. He holds a comically large paintbrush in his right hand and a few cuts are scattered across his face. His brown scarf is torn in some spots and the blue jacket tied around his waist looks like it's about to fall off. Across his chest is a sash containing the vials he keeps in order to feel emotions.

You immediately turn your body towards Ink so you're shielding Nightmare. He's not going to lay a finger on your boss, not if you can help it. Ink scans his surroundings, taking in the throne room slowly. It's almost like he's mocking you. What an arrogant piece of shit, You think with a scowl.

His multi-colored eyes land on you and he completely freezes. The grip on his paintbrush loosens a bit and his mouth hangs open slightly. The vibrant colors in his eyes almost make you look away, but you're not one to back down. You stare right back, narrowing your eyes.

"Human...why are you here?" He asks, tilting his head, "Did Nightmare kidnap you?"

  "That's none of your business, Ink," Nightmare says. The colorful skeleton frowns and leans on his paintbrush casually.

  "Well, I'm gonna have to assume that you kidnapped this human and brainwashed her," Ink says calmly, "that leaves me no choice but to attack you and get her out of here,"

  "I'm here by my own free will," You say, your voice dangerously low, "if you try and take me away from this castle, I'll rip your head off," Ink raises a bone brow and a small grin appears on his face.

  "Is that so?" He asks, "Or are you just saying that because Nightmare took over your mind?" You take a deep breath, trying to control your temper.

  "I chose to come here," You reply, "and don't ignore my threat," Ink hums in response and before you can stop him, he pulls your soul out of your chest. It floats over to his hand and hovers in his palm.

  "HEY FUCKFACE, PUT THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" You shout angrily, unable to move. Ink ignores your yelling and examines your yellow soul.

"Justice," He says, "figures,"

"You heard her, put the damn soul back," Cross growls.

"Ah, hey Cross!" Ink says cheerfully, waving with his free hand, "Long time no see, friend!"

"Alright, I'm sick of this bullshit," Killer grumbles, "let's attack this guy already!" He begins running at Ink but Cross holds out an arm to stop him.

"Not with (Y/N)'s soul exposed, it's too risky!" Cross says.

"Yeah, could you help me out here?!" You exclaim, "I still can't move!" Nightmare sighs, sounding almost bored, and sends all eight of his tentacles towards Ink. Ink acts quickly and creates a shield with his paint, disintegrating all of the tentacles before they make contact.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Killer shouts. He charges towards Ink, four gaster blasters appearing behind him.

"Killer, stop you idiot!" Cross exclaims. Ink's eye sockets widen and he lets go of your soul for a split second to block the attack.

A second is all you need.

You call your soul back to your chest and your swords burst into roaring blue flames. Ink, who's already distracted by Killer, has no idea what's coming. You sprint towards him at full speed and slice his legs out from under him, creating cuts in both of his shins. He cries out in pain but you pay no attention to this. You grab his ankles and throw him backwards right over your head so he goes flying across the room. Ink manages to turn himself around in the air and lands gracefully on the floor.

Justice (Ink!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now