Four || Beauty In The Dark

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Normal POV

Your body deflates as you exhale in relief, glad that Ink finally stopped talking to you. I need to cut off contact with him, no more conversations, You think sternly, I can't show any vulnerability. A yawn escapes your lips and you stifle it with your free hand. Guarding prisoners definitely isn't your favorite activity. Not to mention how cold it is down here, you wish you'd brought a jacket or something.

You peek over at Ink's sleeping body and scowl.

How does one guy have so much positivity? It's completely unnatural.

He looks so'd almost say his expression is cute if you didn't hate the guy.

As you're staring at him, something on the floor catches your eye. You inch closer to the bars of his cell and peer into it.

"Is that...a drawing of me?" You breathe. The detailed sketch certainly captured your essence, from the little frown that always seems to rest on your face to the scar on your shoulder.


He saw my scar?!?

A flash of red light causes you to turn around, interrupting your bewildered thoughts.

  "Hey, (Y/N)," Cross says, pulling his scarf down from its spot on his face.

  "Hey, Cross," You reply, pushing your thoughts aside.

  "Nightmare said that if you wanted to, you could head to your room and get some rest," Cross says.

  "Wow, really? That's...considerate of him," You say.

  "Yep," Cross says simply, "he said we could all turn in for the night,"

  "Well, in that case, goodnight," You reply with a grin.

  "'Night, (Y/N),"

Cross teleports away, most likely to his room to get some much-needed sleep, and you get ready to do the same.

  "Ngh...where are you going?"

Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Ink slowly sits up in his cell, he reminds you of a sleepy child getting up for school. You groan internally and turn around to face him.

  "I'm going to my room to get some sleep." You sigh.

  "Would you mind bringing me a candle? I'm not very fond of the dark," Ink says, giving you a small smile. He looks a bit embarrassed as he asks you this, his cheeks are dusted with a rainbow hue. An unfamiliar feeling forms in your chest, it causes your eyes to widen and your soul to squirm.

Pity. You feel pity for this pathetic creature.

Why? Why do you feel anything for him? He's an enemy, a vile piece of garbage that displeases your master.

The emotion vanishes just as quickly as it appeared and without another word, you snap your fingers and teleport to your room with a pop of blue magic.

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