Seventeen || Your Happy Ending

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The sun rises upon Nightmare's castle, its rays reflecting against the dark stone. Colors ranging from neon orange to a faded mint green streak across the sky, the wispy clouds mirror these colors.

By this time, you've already gotten out of bed. In fact, you've been out of bed for a few hours now. Insomnia's a bitch. But hey, at least you got to watch the sunrise.

Your sock-covered feet dangle from the railing of your small balcony as you take in the view, a sigh escaping your lips. This will most likely be the last time you'll ever remain in this universe. From here, you don't know where you're gonna live, but you know it's not gonna be in this cursed place.

A sound from behind reaches your ears and you twist around to see Ink stirring beneath the covers. You smile at him and hop off of the railing, padding towards the bed.

"Good morning," You say softly, leaning against one of the bedposts. Ink stretches loudly and squeezes his eyesockets shut.

"Heya," He grins, "you're up early,"

"Couldn't go back to sleep," You shrug, "how're your ribs?"

Ink glances down at his bare chest and inspects himself for a moment.

"Well they're definitely healed, and the soreness is fading!" He says happily.

"That's great!" You say, leaning down to give him a kiss on the forehead, "Let's get something to eat, hm?"

"Sounds perfect, I'm starving," Ink says, swinging his legs out of bed and getting to his feet. As he puts his shirt back on, you levitate into the air. Your feet are cold, plus you don't really feel like walking thanks to the soreness of your muscles.

Ink leaves your bedroom first, he holds the door as you float into the hallway and you thank him quietly. Rays of sunlight peer in through the stained glass windows, giving the gloomy castle a strangely beautiful appearance. Dust particles fall through the air and you wrinkle your nose in disgust.

"This place isn't the cleanest, huh?" Ink laughs, his voice echoing slightly down the hall. You scoff.

"Tch, I can't even remember the last time we took a day to do some housekeeping," You reply, "probably never,"

"That doesn't surprise me, Sanses are typically very lazy," Ink chuckles, clasping his hands behind his back.

"You say that as if you aren't a Sans," You retort, giving him a light nudge.

"Touché, (Y/N)," Ink giggles.

The two of you reach the main floor, it's oddly quiet especially considering the fact that Blue should be residing here. You silently levitate into the dining room, only to find a single sheet of paper on the large table. It's still a mess from the most recent meal...

Ink grabs the note and you look over his shoulder to read it, curiosity filling your (e/c) eyes. It reads:

"Heya lovebirds! ;)

Blue had to get home to his brother, Papyrus was getting angry and impatient! I took him back to his universe safe and sound. I'm going out to search for the other Sanses who accompanied us during the battle to give our thanks, do NOT follow me! You both need rest and relaxation after what you went through, perhaps a nice trip to a tropical island would suffice?

I'll catch up to you guys as soon as I can, I wish you my best!

~Dream <3

P.S. Cross is fine, I found him in Underswap enjoying some tacos"

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