Two || Visitors At The Castle

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A light breeze blows your hair astray and you tuck it behind your ears. Letting out a sigh, you float up and sit cross-legged in the air.

"We haven't been out here for that long, (Y/N)," Cross says.

"It's been three hours, Cross," You reply, slouching forward.

"Like I said, not that long," Cross says, twirling one of his red knives between his fingers. You roll your eyes and huff out a breath.



"Have you ever fought the Star Sanses?"

Cross turns to you with a distant look in his eyes. You're taken aback by the intensity of his gaze.

"I've encountered them a few times," He says.

"Are they difficult to fight? Do you know their weaknesses?" You ask, eager to find out how to defeat them. Ever since you heard of those three nuisances, you've wanted to destroy them in a fight to impress Nightmare. You would be his most valued servant, his most trusted ally. All you've ever wanted was the approval of someone you look up to, fighting them could be the perfect opportunity to really show off your worth to Nightmare.

"When you're fighting one-on-one it's not too difficult..." Cross says thoughtfully, "all three of them at the same time, though? It's the equivalent to fighting Nightmare, Error, and me,"

"Wow..." You mutter. The wind whistles in your ears, picking up speed. You set your feet on the ground and cross your arms in an attempt to stay warm.

"Hopefully you never have to battle them," Cross says, fiddling with his knife, "I know you're very capable of defeating them, but...I don't want you to get hurt," He grabs his golden heart locket that hangs around his neck and you swear a small tear forms in his eye.

"You're the only human I've ever met that I feel like I can trust my life with," He says, his voice quaking slightly. You smile gently and walk over to him.

"I'm honored to hear that, Cross," You say, placing a hand on his shoulder. Cross smiles weakly back at you.

  "And I'm honored to have a friend like you," He replies, a hint of pride appearing in his voice. You laugh softly and step away from him, heading back to your side of the gate.

Your thoughts wander here and there as time passes by, memories scattered around ideas and plans. Fighting strategy here, childhood trauma there. Your mind is a winding maze filled with unexpected puzzles and traps, it is seemingly endless. The darkness of your past and distrust of humans has forged you into a complicated being who closes herself off from the world, secretly afraid to risk exposing herself by showing emotions.

It's simple. Don't let anyone in and no one will hurt you.


The sound of someone teleporting reaches your ears and you immediately go on high alert, expecting it to be Nightmare. Your back becomes as rigid as a metal rod and you stick your chin out, a small scowl on your face. When you see who teleported, though, you let your guard down. It's just Killer. The inky black streaks running down his cheeks make you uneasy every time you see him. They've always given you the chills, always will.

  "Time to come in," He says, crossing his arms, "boss's having a few guests over for dinner tonight to discuss something," You raise an eyebrow.

  "Guests?" You ask, "how many?"

  "The whole gang," Killer replies, "Nightmare wants no one left out of his plans,"

  "Let's go, then," Cross says, "we don't want to keep them waiting," You nod in response and teleport to the castle, with Cross and Killer right behind you.

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