Seven || Forming A Team

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"Huhh? Who is it? Whaddya want?"

You flip onto your back, the stuffy sleeping bag clinging to your skin. Your eyes open slowly and you squint at the blurry figure standing in front of you.

"Urgh...Cross?" You ask groggily, brushing a few runaway hairs away from your eyes.

"Yep," The black and white clad skeleton replies, "the others made me wake you up because they're all too scared of you,"

"Tsk, what? Why are they afraid to wake me up?" You ask, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"I mean..." Cross says, scratching the back of his skull, "you are kind of cold and angry,"

"I am NOT cold and angry!" You huff, crossing your arms, "where'd they get that idea?!"

Cross just raises a bone brow in response.


"Well, if you're feeling up to it, you can try Blue's pancakes that he made for breakfast," Cross says with a small smirk, "If you're lucky, you could get one that's not entirely burnt,"

You laugh softly and decide to have something to eat. Even though you don't usually enjoy breakfast very much, you know that you'll be hungry later if you skip out on it. Cross heads into the kitchen as you lift yourself off of the floor, stretching your stiff muscles and yawning widely.

Giving your back a little scratch, you follow your edgy friend into the kitchen for some food. Your feet just barely had time to touch the tile floor before Ink and Dream sped over to you, suspiciously wide grins on both of their faces. You take a step back and raise your eyebrows, confused as to why they're acting like this.

"G-Good morning, (Y/N)! Heh!" Ink says, clasping his gloved hands tightly behind his back.

"Erm...hey, Ink," You reply awkwardly, "what's going on with you guys?"

"INK WAS SPO--!" Dream starts, clambering forward and nearly crashing into you. Ink acts quickly, yanking him back by his scarf and painting a piece of duct tape over his friend's mouth.

Your eyes travel back and forth between them, you become more confused by the second. Ink forces a smile as beads of sweat form on his skull and Dream glares at the artistic skeleton.

"Alright, forget it," You sigh, "I just woke up and I'm too tired to deal with...whatever this is that you two've got going on,"

"Okay, great! I'll see ya after breakfast, Dream and I are gonna go out back and have a About the...plan," Ink replies, becoming increasingly more awkward with every word.

You give Ink a puzzled look but turn towards Cross and OT at the counter, who are trying to cut their pancakes without breaking the silverware.


Ink stomps out into the backyard with Dream at his heels, his colorful pinpricks shifting rapidly between red and orange. He reaches a stopping point in the middle of the yard and turns to his friend, tearing the tape off of Dream's mouth. Dream smacks his "lips" together and frowns at Ink.

"The tape was a bit unnecessary," Dream says.

"IT WAS COMPLETELY NECESSARY!!" Ink shrieks, crossing his arms tightly. His cheeks become flushed with a rainbow hue and he scowls at his friend. Dream bursts into laughter as Ink's blush worsens.

"C'mon, why don't you let me tell her?" Dream giggles, "It was so adorable!" Ink's eyes widen and he shakes his head rapidly.

Justice (Ink!Sans x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now