Fourteen || Corrupted Soul

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Apologies for the late update! I've been so busy with school, sports, exams, some personal stuff, and all that jazz, I just haven't had any free time to write.. My teachers are showing us no mercy lmao. Anyway, I hope you lovelies enjoy the chapter! <3



You immediately unleash an attack on the two skeletons, Error follows your lead and attempts to subdue them with his strings. Horror slashes himself out of Error's cords with ease while Nightmare simply phases through them with his goop.

Since both you and Error have a limited amount of space to fight in, this makes things ten times more difficult. The two of you are used to large, open areas in combat, but you're confined to this tight corridor.

You narrowly avoid a tentacle that swipes at your arm, slashing it out of the air with your two blades. Unfortunately, Nightmare has three more where that one came from. He grabs your legs and yanks them out from underneath you, causing you to crash down to the rocky floor. Blood gushes from the freshly made wound on your chin, you let out a scream from the pain.

Unable to move, you call out to Error.

"Error!" You cry, "Just leave me behind if you really think my friends will come, I'll be fine!"

His multicolored eyes shift between you and his two foes, then he gives you a nod. Without any last words, he glitches away to somewhere safe.

As Horror catches his breath, Nightmare gives you a look of pure fury. He tightens the grip of his tentacles on your legs and drags you back down the secret passageway, his magic holding your soul in place. You try to sit up at least a small bit to lessen the amount of scratches on your skin, but Nightmare walks too quickly for you to be able to do so.

Tears and scratches become abundant on your previously beautiful uniform, your jacket tumbles off of your shoulders and your leggings are barely holding up. You wriggle against Nightmare's tentacles in an attempt to escape, but his hold on your soul makes that nearly impossible.

He makes his way into the throne room, his slippers stomping across the now damaged marble floors. You notice a significant part of the room is still destroyed from the day you left, a large gaping hole remains in the roof and wall. This brings a weak smile to your face knowing that you were able to cause that much damage.

"I don't have enough time to WAIT for you," Nightmare snarls, raising you up with his tentacles. Your feet dangle in the air, he lets go of your legs and instead wraps his goopy tentacles around your arms. You let out an angry shriek, struggling with all your might despite the strong hold he has on your soul.

"Let me go, you sick bastard!"  You bawl, your vision blurred by the tears in your eyes. The many, many cuts on your body bleed freely, but Nightmare tightens his grip regardless of the pain that you feel. Your hands clench and unclench into fists as you continue to writhe about, crying shamelessly. The physical pain, the emotional pain, it's all too much for one soul to handle.

"I was originally planning on waiting a few weeks to corrupt your soul because it's such an agonizing process," Nightmare growls, "but I think that this would be a fitting punishment for attempting to escape, wouldn't you agree dear?"

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