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I GAZED upon the castle as we approached the entrance. The castle was on the highest mountain in the whole of Kavan. Hundreds of years old were the castle itself. Built originally by royal ancestors who all those years ago, they found this spot.

It was once a cream-colored stone, and now it's rundown. Moss, sleeping comfortably, crawled up the walls. Into our eloping sky, the castle pillars reached high. Underneath, the clouds seemed like they were neatly positioned on purpose.

The road wrapped around the entire castle, allowing me to taken in its alluring beauty.

The carriage came to a halt. The velvet-lined door opened, and the man who steered the horses stood.

"We are here, My lady." He bowed.

I gave him an acceptance sign and went out of the carriage. Before mine, another carriage had stopped. The door opened and Queen Aria walked outside. I let my feet lead me towards her. As I walked past them, I rubbed my hands over the horses' backs.

"Welcome to my home." Queen Aria welcomed.

"Thank you for having me," I responded stopping next to her. She smiled at me and began walking towards the arched front door.

The knights lined the walkway, protecting the gate. Under all of their heated and curious gazes, I straightened my stance. I cannot help but smirk at the surprise that's going to come from them. The doors were opened for us to enter, the wide doors allowing a small wind rush to flow against us.

As we stepped onto the marble floor, footsteps were heard heading our way.

"Mother! Where have you been? You should have told us before you up and left."

As a man descended from the stairs littered with gold linings, the Queen and I turned toward the man on our left side. He was wearing royal clothes and had a sword tied to his hip. He had lovely dark skin and captivating brown eyes that gazed down at us. There was etched on his face a worried look.

Queen Aria waved her hand dismissingly, "Oh, please. You act like I'm not capable of protecting myself."

He shook his head, "You know that's not what I mean, Mother."

She scoffed, "Well it doesn't matter now does it, because I brought reinforcements," She gestured to me, "Evander, meet Aislin. Aislin meets my second son, Evander. He works with our kingdoms archives and studies the maps of our neighboring kingdoms."

Evander recognized my presence for the first time, as I sat unmolested by his sudden glare. His face was hardening, and his gaze turned into a glare. In answer, I simply rolled my eyes. "Lovey to make your acquaintance, Prince Evander." I greeted sarcastically.

He ignored me and turned to his mother, "Who is this and why is she here?"

Queen Aria raised an eyebrow, "She's right next to me. Ask her yourself." I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips.

Evander looked at me with a heavier glare, "Fine. Who are you and why are you here?"

"I strangely find this very amusing," I smirked rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet.

"Who are you and why are you here?" He pressed.

"My name is Aislin, and I am here because apparently, your men are smart enough," I replied. He simply raised an eyebrow.

"She is here to help find your father." Queen Aria stated. Evander's eyes seemed to fall out of his head.

"You're not serious, are you?" He chuckled. I guess he found this amusing, "She's a woman. What could she do that our hundreds of men can't?"

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