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I SAT on the tip of the boat, looking out into the vast sea. My fingertips played with the note I had found in my fathers desk.

I couldn't bring myself to open it.

God knows what is inside. It could be good or bad, but with the way my life is playing out, it's most likely bad.

I watched the waves hit the side of the ship as we ripped through them slowly. The tiny sparkles on the water flickering with each movement.

We were almost to Kavan, and the atmosphere on the ship seemed so carefree, so light. I looked back to the ship and let my brain take in the scenery while thinking of the last few days.

Grey and Blakey-rose had grown closer despite their shyness and sideways glances. They stood together at the helm, hands on the wheel. Grey was teaching her how to steer it.

I could tell he was hesitating to touch her and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. He caught my eyes and I winked at him and nodded to her, telling him it was okay to be brave.

He sucked in a breath before wrapping his arms around her, placing her hands where they needed to be, and slowly steering with her. Their hands were intertwined and faces were bright red.

Oh young love.

How gross.

On the left side of the ship, Kingsley and August were talking to one another. She seemed completely calm while he looked like a stuttering mess. Even from far away I could tell he was tripping on his words. But that only made Kingsley smile which made it worse for him.

His dark red face was hard to miss.
On the right side, Evander leaned against the side of the railing. His face was emotionless as he stared at Mèabh, who was busy climbing the ship's masts up among the sails.

I took a deep breath, looking back at the sea and let the salt filled air filter through me. My muscles relaxed and I felt calm... but I knew it wouldn't last.

We were almost to Kavan which only meant things would start getting heavier and more stressful for all of us. I was itching to get back to the castle so we could continue searching for the King. The search for my associates took valuable time away and now we have to pick up the pace.

It's not easy; finding a person.

The stories portray me as fearless and powerful. Pristine and perfect. As if all of this is a piece of cake for me, but it isn't. I am human like everyone else. I have my struggles and hardships just as much as everyone else. Yes, my life's work comes easier to me than it would to others, but it's how I was raised.

It's not easy to do, and it gets hard for me too. Hence, why I ask for help.

My father always said, "There is no shame in asking for help." And it's true.

That's a lesson I try my hardest to instil in my disciples as well. I just hope they keep it close to heart.

King Kole was one of my first students, and I hope he kept lessons like those close to heart at a time like this.

I don't want him to think he's a burden to me, or any of the rest of us. His life is important, he is our family. He is my family.

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