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MY HEART felt like it was trying to break out from behind my broken ribs. Aislin looked angelic even with tear-stained cheeks. It is beyond me how this woman has stolen my heart without even batting an eye. Her cerulean eyes shone brightly under the stars and were accented by the lanterns illuminating the city of Kavan.

As her eyes clashed with mine, I felt my lungs seize up. She truly was a beauty. Her new short black hair was slightly wavy and a bit messy from the long day. The expression in her eyes at this moment made me almost envy myself.

My heart thumped again and I raised my hand to her cheek, wiping away the mineral residue from her tears. The inexplicable need to protect her at all costs tore through my insides, but I knew she could protect herself, something I've grown to admire.

I am not sure how I didn't see her for what she was from the moment I met her, but I could see it now. And I knew I would never be able to unsee it. She was a survivor and a warrior, but also human.

Like two magnets drawn together by invisible forces, we both leaned forward. I found my eyes focused on her lips. My nerves were on fire. I had never felt nervous to kiss a woman, but Aislin was not just a woman.

I hesitated for a split second and looked back into her eyes. She looked back into mine, confirming my unspoken question, but I asked anyway.

"Can I kiss you?" I asked, my voice coming out breathy.

"Yes." She nodded. Without a second to lose, I kissed her.

The world seemed to disappear around us, leaving us in our moment, leaving us at peace. A fire lit in my stomach as she kissed me back. My heart pounded in my chest and flooded my ears.

She pulled away from me, cupping my face as she stared deep into my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to reclaim her lips with mine, to kiss her until we both ran out of oxygen. I trailed my finger across her jawline, gently placing my lips against hers once more.

There weren't just butterflies in my stomach, there was a whole zoo. I had never felt this kind of attraction before. The world seemed to stand still as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to my body.

She's mine, and I'm hers.

Reluctantly, I pulled back to breathe, keeping my eyes closed. I placed my forehead against hers. I heard Aislin sigh in contentment as we stayed in silence. I opened my eyes to look at her, but she was already looking at me with a tiny smile.

"What?" I chuckled, a little nervous under her stare.

She shook her head at me in a teasing way, "You're as red as an apple Commander."

I groaned in embarrassment and looked away. Aislin burst into laughter as I felt my ears grow hot as the flush spread.

"Stop laughing at me," I said trying to contain my urge to laugh with her.

I turned to face her again and could feel myself stop breathing. She was so beautiful under the light of the full moon. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and her laughter was music to my ears. I wanted to protect that smile for the rest of our lives.

I realized I was openly staring at her. She looked at me with amused confusion, "What?"

I shook my head in disbelief, "You are so incredibly amazing and I don't know how I didn't see that before,"

It was her turn to blush but she just rolled her eyes with a small smile.

I reached behind me and grabbed the drinks I had grabbed before coming to the lookout.

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