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THE KINGDOM of Aberystwyth was breathtaking. The buildings stood tall and protected. The Catholic Church that was placed in the center of the Kingdom vibrated through the air with its large bell ring, alerting the town people that it was time to start. The trees lining the streets brought fresh air to my nose, making my face smile. The Castle sat on a hill, overlooking the whole town.

Up to the castle roof, the neutral-colored stone was stacked. Windows lined the walls, allowing every amount of potential sunlight to come in. Draping over the outer castle walls, as well as buildings in the town, was their royal crescent in all its glory. A clover. At the tippy-top of the castle, their country flag stood proudly, dancing in the breeze.  The city river flowing around the castle as if it was a border of protection. The only way across was the main bridge.

Evander, Leland, August, and I sat in a four-horse carriage as it was trotted through the town, heading to the castle. The rough brick roads caused us to jolt around, causing a certain prince to get sick.

I kept to myself most of our journey. I couldn't stop thinking about Leland and I'd interaction just days before.

I didn't dare admit it, but he help me in more ways than one and I am forever grateful. He didn't pry nor yell at me, he just listened. Something someone hasn't done for me in years.

I continued to look out the glassless window. The town was full of color and it was lively. The town folk had smiles on their faces  as well as their family's faces and they all seemed genuinely happy. They were oblivious to the horrible suffering that laid underneath their noses. The suffering of other families, of other towns, of other people.


"Look what you've done!"

"How could you?! You monster! YOU KILLED US ALL!"




"We have arrived, Aislin," August said nudging my side. I looked out the window further to see that we were being carried over the bridge.

The opposite of calm was the water. It was smashing itself rapidly against the rock boulders on the water bed. It rushed violently, as though in a tournament with other streams of water. The rough noises that it made were noisy and quickly reached our ears.

We pulled away from the river and up to the front of the castle. The footmen stepped down from the front of the carriage and open other doors for our exit.

"Thank you," I thanked the old man as I stepped out. The blazing sun and slight chilling breeze hit my exposed arms, sending goosebumps up them. The town was silent, a little too silent for my taste. The daggers that lined my body and its armor suddenly become heavy and burned my skin, wanting to be used. My fingers twitched for the sword that was stowed away in its sheath attached to my armored-covered back.

The front doors of the castle suddenly busted open, a woman in a large white ruffled gown emerged with a fake smile on her caked face, as well as a man next to her dressing in royal garments with an expressionless face.

"Ah! You must be the people Queen Aria sent from Kavan! Welcome to my Kingdom!" she greeted in a high-pitched voice. It took all my power not to wince. "This is my son, Juniper!"

Queen Birdie of Aberystwyth. She was known for her high-pitched voice and was known as a chatterbox, hence the name Birdie. She started as mistress to King Bernard of Aberystwyth but he divorced the queen and maybe Madam Birdie the new queen.

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