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I COULDN'T help but feel anxious about going to Prince Zakariah's coronation. The idea didn't sit well with me.

Maybe it was the adrenaline from the new information we received about who kidnapped King Kole. Or maybe it's because Ecrin was the last place the King was before he disappeared. Whatever it was, I trusted my gut and stayed on high alert.

Everything was still so fresh. Like an open wound.

Before it was time to leave, The Queen asked Leland and I to go into town and retrieve new equipment that she had made while we were gone. As we walked, Leland led the halter of one of the largest horses I had ever seen, which was pulling a cart behind it.

I looked at the sign above the door. It read Dayholt Blacksmith and Leather Shop. It was owned by the best blacksmith in the country and her husband presided over the leather-working section of the store. Black smoke rose from the forge behind the building.

Leland tied the horse's lead to the hitching post and pressed his hand against the door, pushing it open for me. I ducked under his arm and walked into the blacksmith's shop, Leland walking in behind me. The door hit the bell above the door, announcing our presence as it swung closed behind us.

A man with short dark hair and a short dark beard sat at a workbench on the other side of the room. Presumably this was Mr. Dayholt. He looked up and put his tools down as we entered the establishment. He made his way toward us and leaned forward on the counter displaying various leather ornaments and customization options.

"What can I do for you lovely folks today?" he asked, smiling.

"Queen Aria sent us. I've been told there is an order of weaponry for the palace we are supposed to pick up." Leland explained, moving farther away from me as he moved toward the counter.

"I see. I do believe I heard about that order. That would be my wife's area of expertise. I do however have a commission from Her Majesty that I believe is for this young lady here." he responded, looking at me. "There are some people from the palace here for you, love!" he called out as he made his way to the shelves that lined the back wall.

He selected a satchel from one of the shelves and came back to the counter. He started unpacking the contents of the sack and laying them out on the counter in front of us.

"Now, they may need some alterations. I was provided with your measurements, but leather leaves less leeway than most fabrics so if there's any part that isn't comfortable, just let me know and I'd be happy to fix it for you." The craftsman was grinning from ear to ear as he explained. He was obviously very proud of his work.

"I'm afraid I don't understand. What is this?" I asked.

"The Queen requested that a set of body armor be made for you. You were unavailable for fitting, but she was able to provide me with measurements. I left a bit of breathing room for clothing and mobility." He explained as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world.

I looked at the pieces in front of me. They were more like artwork than protective equipment. There were six pieces total, all made of a black polished leather. The largest piece was the bodice. It was made from strips of leather, about an inch and a half wide, laced so tightly together with light grey leather cord that it looked like one piece. It laced together up the back to close and was completely strapless, but there were holes for the hooks that were on the next piece of equipment.

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