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A SUFFOCATING silence filled the room as everyone tried to calculate the new information.

We moved from the cliff to the castle in silence the whole way. Once we arrived, I followed the girls to Aislins office where they told me about June and a more graphic explanation about the death of Aislin's family.

I leaned forward, placing my elbows on the large desk and folding my hands together to hold them against my forehead. Piece by piece I was putting together the puzzle. I didn't realize how much I was left in the dark. When Kingsley read the letter aloud, I knew I wasn't the only one shocked.

June was supposed to be dead, and now she's alive and the King we are working hard to save is her biological father.

My thoughts drifted back to our night on the cliff. I found her drowning in her tears with no one there to pull her out. It hurt my heart to see such a strong woman break down into such sobs as she did, but I never questioned it. That's why I stayed. Now it all makes sense.

"What now?" Blakely-Rose whispered. When no answer was given, it was clear. We didn't know where to start.

"We should find out who his daughter is. If anyone is behind her kidnapping it would be her." Kingsley said.

"If she is behind Aislin's kidnapping, who was behind the Kings?" Mèabh asked.

"Probably the same person." I shrugged, "It makes sense. It also makes sense since she killed the rest of her family." Everyone nodded.

"The only thing I don't understand is how this person is close with Aislin in the first place?" Mèabh said.

I tilted my head, "How do you mean?"

"The person who set this up obviously is close to her," Mèabh explained, "They knew about her parents, they knew what and how to get to her homeland, and they knew her every move."

"We didn't know about her family until about two years after knowing her." Kingsley elaborated.

"Who else is she close with?" I asked.

"No idea. We haven't seen her in years, but I doubt she'd make a bunch of close friends. She's never been a social butterfly, and for good reason." Kingsley said.

"Well, it could also be someone within these walls. It doesn't have to be a friend. Think about it. They knew every move she made the moment she did it. The only way for them to know was for them to be watching her constantly." Blakely-Rose added.

This got me thinking, "What if it was both?"

"Hm?" Mèabh hummed.

"What if it was both? What it was all set up by someone's she's close with but people inside the castle work for them?" I explained.

"So...we have a mole?" Kingsley asked, confirming my idea.


"That would make a lot of sense. But now we have to deal with who?" Blakely-Rose said.

"For now, let's focus on the mole first then we can worry about the actual constructor," Mèabh said.

"I agree. Any ideas on how we can find that mole?" I asked.

"Well for starters, has anyone been acting weird lately?" Blakely-Rose asked. The room was filled with silence. No one said anything but I caught the shift in Kingsley's posture. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in," I called out.

Arius's auburn head popped into view with a confused face, "Uh hello Commander, ladies. Someone is here for you,"

I tilted my head to the side and my face matched Arius's. "I wasn't expecting anyone. Send them in."

Arius slid back out of view behind the door, giving room for our unexpected guests to enter. Once Arius opened the door a bit wider to let in our unexpected guest, I found myself staring into a pair of emerald eyes that had an uncanny resemblance to my favorite blue ones.

He had deep black hair and pale skin that only brought out the bright green in his eyes. The man in front of me stood tall and composed as he entered the room. His green gaze swept over the room, meeting eyes with everyone and ending with me.

"Hello. I hope you don't mind my sudden pop in." He joked, resting his hand on the ball of his sword. "I just had some urgent matters to address with both you and these lovely ladies here."

I tilted my head to the side in confusion, "Zion. What are you doing here?"


Author Note!

Hello My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️

I sucked it up and wrote some stuff. I hope you enjoyed.

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: Preferred shoe type?

I prefer anything comfortable but my go-to is converse. obviously.

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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