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THE KING was slowly gaining his color back into his skin and his wounds were slowly healing. Even though his recovery was slow, the occupants of the castle were reassured.

Queen Aria sat next to the King as he lay motionless on the bed. She had a book open and was writing in it. The silence in the room wasn't uncomfortable, but peaceful. The Queen was obviously worried about her King and refused to leave his side.

The silence was broken by me, Kingsley, Mèabh, Blakely-Rose, and Zion. We five entered the room and Zion sucked in a breath. If only he had seen him when we first found him.

Queen Aria never looked up from the book she was writing in, already knowing it was us.

Looking at King Kole's face, I couldn't help but feel relieved. The swelling in King Kole's face had gone down significantly since Aislin found him, bringing back the familiar features everyone knew.

He had dark brown hair and very fair skin. I remember quite well the King being at least 6'3 on a good day. He had a very athletic build, even whilst lying in bed, injured. Even though his blue eyes were closed, you could never forget them. And now that I think about it, Aislin shares the same vibrant blue eyes the King has.

How did I never notice?

Zion sighed aloud and went next to the King's side. Zion dropped down on one knee and bowed his head. After a few seconds of silence, Zion stood back up and faced us once more.

Before he could say a word, Queen Aria spoke coolly, still not looking up from her notebook. "Are you five leaving?"

"Yes, your majesty." I spoke, "We must find Aislin sooner than later. We found a-"

"Say no more," she interrupted. She shut her book softly and set it aside. She looked down at the King and a soft smile made its way to her face. The kind of smile that I haven't seen from her in a long time. It was the type of smile that made your heart melt because, though small, it held so much emotion. Grabbing the King's hand, she kissed it softly and set it back on the bed.

She looked up at us with glassy eyes and after a few long seconds of silence, she spoke. "Aislin has done-" she started, voice cracking, "Aislin has done so much for my family and my kingdom. She brought my husband. I thought I'd never see him again but Aislin made my dream come true and this kingdom is forever in her debt. We owe her a million favors. She is in danger as we speak, so I will do what I can to repay the favor. Take anything you need to complete your mission and find her."

"We will find her," Kingsley stated firmly.

"She has saved all our lives at least once, whether that was mentally or physically, and she never asked for anything in return," Mèabh murmured. "The Syndicate's very lives are in dept to her. So we understand how you feel, and we will get her back."

"We promise," I vowed.


I WAS quickly hit with déjà vu and the heavy smell of saltwater. As I witnessed the progress of the preparations, the waves caressed the dock's pillars. Due to its rising, the damp wood shook and sprayed icy salt mist into the fierce breeze.

The men worked quickly to load the different crates, boxes, barrels, and bags of provisions. They were still yelling commands to one other that only they and their fellow seafarers could understand. We only needed a few more crates before we could leave.

Seagulls hopped around below, calling to each other above the din of foot traffic and the typical nautical bustle, occasionally stopping to rest on a coil of rope or a casting pillar to watch the men work.

As I made my way up the gangplank, I was filled with sudden anxiety and I was suddenly queasy. I sure loathed this part of traveling.

As I officially set foot on the main deck of the boat, I noticed Prince Grey against the railing. The first time we set sail, he was restless and wouldn't stop pacing. But now Prince Grey was cool in attitude and gave off a sense of confidence. It made me happy to see how much he had grown in his mentality and the confidence he is putting in himself.

I hear footsteps coming from the gangplank and as I looked over I saw and familiar head of dirty blond hair and another of fluffy auburn hair.

August came up the gangplank with his hand-made recurve bow looped over his shoulder, along with a quiver of arrows. Arius was right behind him.

"Hey!" August exclaimed, waving at me frantically. Arius shook his head with a smile and greeted me.

"Hey, guys. I haven't seen you both in a while." I beamed.

"Yeah, we decided to stay out of your hair and help around the castle. The royal family needed more assistance and while you four were looking for Aislin we helped keep the Kingdom under wraps," Arius said. "Kingsley and Mèabh have been keeping us updated."

"Oh perfect. So I don't need to fill you both in?" I asked.

"No sir!" August exclaimed, "Are you ready to go?" I groaned aloud.

"Seasickness getting to you already?" Arius teased.

I rolled my eyes. "I feel myself growing sicker and sicker by the minute." I shuddered.

August laughed loudly whilst Arius chuckled to himself. "Well let's get you situated so you don't projectile vomit all over the deck and our supplies." August snickered.

"That was one time!" I complained.


Author Note!

Hello My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: What is the dumbest way you've been injured?

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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