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JUST AS Senara had said, the castle was alive tonight.

Men and women from neighboring kingdoms, as well as our own Kingdom, had bright smiles on their faces. Though there were only a few genuine smiles. Looking out into the crowd I could tell which ones were fake.

Their meaningless chatter filled the room like water. I could barely hear myself think.

I stayed positioned at my self-designated post. I could easily see the ballroom as a whole. Every member of the royal family was in my sights, as well as the exits. If there was an ounce of suspicion, I would be able to see it.

"Aislin! Hello Darling!" The Queen beamed as she waved at me. The dark chestnut skin of the Queen glistened like oiled flower petals. The dark green gown hugged her form tightly, and the hourglass shape enhanced her appearance. The gold crown was placed on her head, and the curls of her hair bounced with each step she took toward me. She embraced me in a hug.

I pulled back with a smile, "Hello my queen, how may I help you?"

She smiled, "I wanted to introduce you to some friends of mine." She gestured to the two large figures behind her. "This is Tyrone. He's the Duke of Ecrin."

Ecrin..? Isn't that the same Kingdom the King was visiting before his disappearance?

"Hello there." The older man behind her said. I raised my eyes to the guy. His dirty blonde hair sat on top of his head, and his grey-ish blue eyes pierced mine, but it was the deep scar that ran down his face that caught my attention. From his left eye to the bottom right corner of his face, it reached. Seeing this brought a nostalgic feeling. How do I know this man?

A smirk was laced in his expression and he brought the gold cup of wine to his lips.

He reached his hand out for mine and I shook it. The queen then gestured to the blonde woman next to him, "This is Caitlin, Tyrone's wife."

"Hello, child." She smirked holding her arms out for me. I welcomed her small embrace tensely then pulled away and slightly bowed my head in respect. "Hello. It's nice to meet you all. My name is Aislin."

"You as well." Tyrone smiled slyly.

"You are such a beautiful young woman," Caitlin said in a state of wonder. "I mean, you have striking features. You look like someone I know. Honey doesn't she look like one of our guards at the palace. What was his name? It started with a Z-"

"Aria!" I voice yelled for the queen. She turned around and lit up at the woman calling her name.

The queen turned back to us and smiled, "I am very sorry to leave but I am being called."

"Oh, I'll come with you!" Caitlin beamed. The Queen turned her back to us and excused herself from the group, followed by Caitlin.

"Are you alright?" Tyrone asked me with a raised eyebrow, "I noticed you earlier all by yourself, you seemed like you could use some company."

I hummed looking back to the crowd, making sure everything was still in line, "Thank you for your concern but I am okay on my own."

I felt the vibrations from his deep chuckle, "Alright, well then answer me this, what is it you looking for?" I looked back at the man with a guarded expression which caused him to laugh again and raise his hands in surrender, "Only someone with an alert expression like that would be looking for something or someone."

My gut suddenly pulled together and warning signs were going off in my brain. Who was this man?

I clenched my jaw, "I am just doing my job."

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