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AS WE exited the room and entered the main area of the tavern, I sucked in a ragged breath.

When they heard the door open, August, Leland, Arius, and Evander all snapped their heads up. They were all seated at a table in the corner, their posture tense and their expressions blank.

Arley closed the door behind us. He rested his hand on my shoulder and said, "I'll be behind the bar. Good luck." He walked away with a comforting pat.

I moved slowly over to the table. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was breathing irregularly. I sat on the bench between August and Arius when I finally arrived at the table. Evander sat on the bench across from us and Leland occupied the chair at the head of the table. I crossed my legs and arms. Because I couldn't bring my unfocused gaze to their faces, my dazed gaze remained fixed on the table in front of me.

The boys didn't say anything or ask any questions, but I could tell they wanted to. I could feel their gazes on me and the anxiety radiating from them.

I wasn't sure how I was going to explain it, but I knew I had to, one way or another, and I could guarantee none of them would like my response.

"I have good news and bad news, Which one do you want first?"

"The good news," Arius said, and the boys nodded in agreement.

"Well, I know where the clue is," I nodded, uncrossing my arms and folding my hands together on the table. "It's on the island, and I'll get it later tonight."

They let out a breath of relief but then tensed as Evander asked, "What's the bad news?"

"You are not authorized to come. You're not even supposed to know where it is, but I'll tell you anyway. I have to go out by myself tonight." I stated. Their faces morphed into ones of aggravation.

"Why not?" Leland demanded. "I did not just spend 48 hours hurling my guts over the side of a ship to be left behind."

"You of all people should know that there are some things you just don't get to know about." I retorted, referring to his time as an assassin.

Leland immediately shrunk back in his seat as my words sank in. Arius and Evander looked from him to me and back again, obviously confused by my statement. August let out a heavy sigh as if he had personally felt the blow I delivered to Leland. Evander shook himself from his fog and stood up, making his way around the table until he was standing directly behind me.

"You may be "in charge" of this mission, but I'll have you know, you are still subject to my family's rule. I outrank you. This is my father we're looking for. If I want to come with you, there's nothing you can do to stop me."  Evander growled at the back of my head. The way he said "in charge" made my blood boil. He may have been fighting for his father, but I was fighting for my King, my country, my pupil, and the oath I made to protect all three. Evander had no hint of the bear trap he had just stepped in. It was time for him to learn his place.

I slowly rose to my feet, turning to meet Evander's gaze. As I rose to my full height and stepped over the bench and around the prince, Evander was forced to step back. I could see August and Arius' eyes meet. They were the size of dinner plates.

Arley had slowly made his way to our table and was standing behind Leland.

"This isn't going to end well for him, is it?" Leland asked without turning around. He could see the quiet fury on my face from his vantage point. What he couldn't see was the shock in Evander's eyes.

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