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I WAS nearly knocked off my feet by the force of a body colliding with mine. Strong arms wrapped around me from behind, lifted my feet off the ground, pulled me backwards and began spinning me around in circles. My hand went for the daggers on my leg, but before I could get to it I smelled a familiar scent that made me pause. I looked down at the hands that were wrapped around my middle. A wide braided silver band was wrapped around the middle finger of the left hand and a scratched leather cuff covered his right wrist.

I felt my eyes go wide as I realized what was happening. I blinked and when I opened my eyes Leland had his saber drawn and pointed at the throat next to mine. I slapped the hands that were holding me repeatedly and whispered "LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" in a panicked voice. The arms released me in surprise. I launched myself at Leland and grabbed the arm that held the sword.

"Leland! LELAND!" I said in a hushed voice. I didn't want to disrupt the dance. "Leland, STAND DOWN!" I told him. "Leland, it's alright. He's a friend." Leland continued to hold his saber to Zion's throat, moving closer. I placed myself directly in front of him and put my other hand in the center of his chest.

"Leland he is my cousin! It's okay!" I insisted, but it made no difference. I reached up and put a hand on either side of his face, forcing him to look down at me.

"Leland! Put the sword DOWN!" I commanded. "That is an order from your commander!" I growled.

Leland blinked and shook his head a little. He gave Zion a death glare and reluctantly lowered his sword. He looked down at me and reached up to hold my hand against his face and looked down at me with a huge sense of relief in his eyes. Then realization dawned on his face.

"Did you say cousin?" He asked surprised.

"Hi! I'm Zion. Sorry for the scare." Zion stepped forward and offered his hand for a handshake. Leland looked down at Zion's hand and then back at me. He pulled my hand off his face and held it against his chest. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"I thought the legends said you didn't have any living family left." he questioned.

"That they do, but not everything you hear is true." I reminded him. "This is my cousin Zion. He is the son of my Father's older brother. He's only 3 years older than me. We grew up together. To this day he is the only one who can catch me completely unaware. He also happens to be the Commander in Chief of the Ecrin army."

I saw Leland examine Zion over my head. I turned around and examined my cousin. I hadn't seen him in 4 years. His jet black hair was shaggy and hung almost down to his vibrant green eyes. He wore his dress uniform with yellow epaulets and gold buttons down the front. Leland seemed to relax a bit, seeing him in an official uniform. Zion awkwardly pulled his hand back to his side.

I pulled myself away from Leland and wrapped my arms around Zion. I melted into his embrace and felt his buttons mush into my face as he held me against him.

"I missed you cuz." I whispered into his chest.

"I know." He replied. "I missed you too." He pulled me away from him and held me at arm's length, examining me with a careful eye.

"When did this happen?" he asked, running his hand over my (now short) hair.

"Between the ceremony and now." I replied. "It just felt right." I laughed. He laughed and pulled me to his side and tucked me into his shoulder.

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