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THE SHIP rocked back and forth as we sliced through the waves. I had all I could do to not vomit over the side of the boat. "This blasted boat." I spat out in irritation.

"On a scale of one to ten, how dehydrated are you?" Aislin asked when I came up for air.

"Probably 8 going on 9. I haven't been able to keep anything down since I stepped foot on this blasted boat." I spat out in irritation.

"Well, that's too bad. I'm glad seasickness is one battle I've never had to fight." Aislin teased.

I sighed. The more time I spend on this boat, the stronger the deja vu gets. Random memories from the last time we were on our way to Calflalm keep forcing their way to the front of my mind. The last 48 hours had been a swirl of nausea and vertigo induced by seasickness and exasperated by flashbacks.

As enthusiastic as everyone was to get underway, spirits were had fallen pretty low. Even the ship's boisterous crew had been brought down by the solemnity of their passengers. August was trying to lighten the mood by teasing Kingsley, but she was too lost in thought and worry to give any more than a nod in response. Her stoic countenance had been a facade all along and her face showed signs of having held too much in for too long.

The seconds felt like days, yet all at once hours had passed and the fog bank encasing Deadlock coil loomed ahead. The deck seemed to shiver under my feet as the chill of the fog bank swallowed us whole. I felt myself shudder as the damp air wicked the sweat from my back and forehead. I squinted as I was blinded by the suddenly clear skies and could just barely make out the walls of the island kingdom through the spots that clouded my vision.

The ship came to life around me as the crew prepared to dock. Kingsley shook herself out of her trance. Blakely-Rose and Zion made their way toward us leaving Grey behind at the wheel. August climbed down from the crow's nest, Arius trailing behind him. I looked at the faces around me, internally taking attendance. I feared I was becoming paranoid about losing people now. Just leaving Grey on the boat was making my already turning stomach unsettled.

As we descended the gangplank, I saw Zion patting his breast pocket. My breath caught in my chest as I fought the panic rising. Had he forgotten the token? We had already lost valuable time. Who knows what kind of shape Aislin was in right now. Every minute we wasted, the chances of having her safely back where she belonged shrank.

"Who goes there?" one of the guards called out to us from his tower.

"Are you telling me that you've forgotten me?" Zion called back. "I'm hurt, General. I thought you'd remember me after we spent 3 years in the same barracks."

"Well I'll be!" I heard the man mutter under his breath. He disappeared from out view as he came down from his post and reappeared as he pulled the gate open.

"It's good to see you, boy. I apologize for the trouble your cousin faced the last time she came home. These boys have been slacking on their studies apparently." he said glaring over his shoulder at the younger guard standing behind him.

"She won't hold it against the." Zion reassured. "What I really need now is to find Arley. Is he at the tavern or did he wander off somewhere?"

"If he's not at the tavern, he will be in the Hall of the Hallowed. That's the only other place he goes these days." The young guard piped up.

"I vote we try the tavern first. I think if we try to go to the Hall of the Hallowed we will lose our heads." Arius said with a chuckle in his voice that faded into an awkward cough. I know everyone appreciated the effort to lift spirits, but nothing was working at this point.

Zion led the way as we wound through the streets that felt like another world. Zion and the syndicate nodded and returned greetings as we passed homes and shops. It was a warmer welcome than our last visit. Walking through the streets with Aislin, there had been a hushed sense of awe that stunned everyone we passed to silence. The other member of the Amulet family didn't seem to elicit the same response.

The only thing that looked familiar was the black door of the Three Crown Tavern. Zion paused and took a deep breath as he reached for the worn brass handle. Aislin's form swam in front of my eyes as I realized he had mirrored her attitude the last time we were here. Zion turned the handle and pushed the door inward, revealing the warm wooden interior. My stomach churned as the smell of smoke and alcohol competed for control over my senses.

"Well look at what the tide washed in!" a cheerful voice rang out from behind the bar.

Arley wiped his hands on his bar towel and slammed it on the bar with an audible thunk before shuffling around the bar and navigating between the tables to greet Zion and the syndicate.


Author Note!

Hello My Mickey Mouse Club House Members!!❤️

Thoughts >

Random >

How is your day today? Was it bad? Good? In between?

QOTD: excited for summer?

Love you all thank you for reading! Xoxox 💋💋

- Mickey ✨

- Mickey ✨

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