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TIME SLOWED down around me, and my heart raced in my chest.

Juniper men flooded in like rough seas, each with a sword and a glint in their eyes that meant only one thing.

They intended to cause us harm.

When I returned my gaze to Juniper, his sly grin grew even wider. He believed he was on top of the world. Oh, he's so wrong...

Adrenaline was coursing through my veins like fire. Streaming through my limbs and into my head and heart.

A smirk formed on my lips as I became excited.

If a fight is what he wants, then a fight is what he'll get.

My posture relaxed, and I reached for my sword with my right hand over my shoulders. What felt like sparks flew up my arm as the pads of my fingers rubbed against the handle.

Gripping the handle, a bolt of electricity seemed to pass through my arm and through my entire body. The memories of battle came flooding back. I drew it from its sheath in my dress and dashed towards the nearest soldier.

Our swords clashed, reverberating throughout the ballroom.

Chaos erupted.

Metal against metal. Grinding clashes of weapons. Metal through skin.

The once beautiful ballroom was being ripped apart, piece by piece. Banners were being ripped off the walls, vases being knocked and breaking against the hard floor, and screams from the audience rang out.

The floor seemed to shake as everyone around us exited the room in a panic.

Even with all of these noises, they all were just static  to me. My focus was on who was in front of me.

The Juniper soldier in front of me pushed off our clashing swords, pushing us both back a couple steps.

His auburn hair fell into his green eyes. His eyebrows furrowed in disbelief as he attempted to charge at me, his upper half was willing but his lower half stood still. His carcass fell to the floor.

My sword sliced through the next soldier behind him.

Lifting my arm to wipe the blood from my face with sword in hand, simultaneously blocking the feudal attack of the third soldier. Sliding down the length of his sword till it reached the handle, nicking the tips of his fingers.

He hissed but continued to pursue me. He had some skill.

He went for my abdomen and I dodged his sword at the last second. I hit the back of his head with the butt of my sword, causing him to drop unconscious.

I turned around and looked at everyone, my breath ragged.

Zion effortlessly threw his hunting knife at the soldier, stabbing the back of his knee. Another soldier ran at Zion from behind to attack but Zion turned at the right second and cut the man in his stomach with his sword.

Grey had only his longsword to protect himself, but he used it well. He effectively used it against Juniper's men. I watched him look over his shoulder at Blakely-Rose and moved to help her but halted in his steps.

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