Chapter 15

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"Okay, let's see this through." Tristan started, going through her notebook during lunch time, taking out a black ballpoint pen and biting the tip. "Your brother was acting strange?"

I nodded my head, eating the green apple I had while trying to pay attention to my friends, which was hard. I was missing my boyfriend and other best friend.

"And Styles' came to the rescue?" she asks again.

I just nodded to the questions she asked, not wanting to speak at the moment while my head was on Hannah's lap as she played with my hair.

"There must of been some reason that Harry would help, I mean, I'm not saying he's some knight in shining armor but he did save you from your own brother." Hannah states as she jumps into the conversation slightly, shifting so I had to sit up.

"The real question is why." I spoke finally, looking between both girls with a confused look.

All three of us were confused but that didn't mean we weren't going to get to the bottom of this topic.

~ x ~

Harry's P.O.V.

"You really have a shitty place to be talking so much shit, you know that?" asked Jackson, smirking as he held his gun pointed towards me.

I could sense Louis move forward a bit but I held him back with one of my hands, giving him a look as though to tell him that this was my job. He nodded, as though understanding, and took a step back along with the other three. They each had their hand in their jacket, ready to shoot if needed to.

"And you're really sick if you think that any of this is right. You know that." I shot back, pulling out my own gun but not aiming it at him just yet. I wanted to fuck with him. "Anderson, what would happen if she found out the truth? Think she would love her 'big brother' anymore or would she hate your family for the lies that she has been fed?"

Jackson took a step forward, which matched my step forward also, and gave me the deadliest glare he could muster. It would scare most people but he just amused me.

"I don't think she'll talk to you anymore. She listens to her 'big brother' and if she knows what's good for her, she'll actually stay away from your fuck ass." he spat.

Another bell, we've been here since first period and neither person left, signalled for us to go to our final class.

He's pissed me off to the point where I wanted to spill the secrets. Where I wanted to tell this girl everything that was a lie. But that wasn't my job. That wasn't my job just yet.

Not until she found out the truth about her little boyfriend and best friend.

The thought of her boyfriend sent a smirk to my lips as I suddenly looked at Jackson, "This is going to be the best game I have ever played, Anderson. You're the pawn and she's the queen that I'm going to take from you whether you like it or not. And if you dare step in my way again, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you executioner style. This was a lovely conversation but we need to go now."

I shoved past him harshly, putting away my gun, as my gang followed me to our final class. A large smirk was prominent on my lips as I watched where I was walking. This was going to be the best game I ever played and I knew it.

"Harry," Zayn started, finally speaking up for once, "if you go out of line and tell her the truth before the right time...your life isn't the only one on the line."

I stopped suddenly and turned to him, I might've been second in command but I usually acted like first. Mainly because Louis really didn't mind. Only reason he was first was because of his age difference.

"Listen to me. All of you." I turned to the gang and looked them all in the eyes for a moment each time, swiping my tongue across my bottom lip quickly.

"Nothing is going to happen. The best thing to do is wing it. And don't worry about...the 'queen'..." I smirked before quickly saying, "she'll find out about her sweet boyfriend and whore of a best friend in a few days when it hits the news. Other than that, no one says anything to her. Niall, you know your job. Finish it already."

I snapped at Niall even though I knew I shouldn't of done it. It was his job to get close to her and gain her trust. I kept forgetting about that. I didn't like that. I should be the only one getting close to her.

Damn rule.

With that, we all went to our last period and found the 'queen' herself sitting in the back of the room like always. Not talking to anyone, just staring out the window with thought. It made me wonder what she was thinking about but I never forced myself to actually ask her. I took my seat about three seats down from her, Niall actually next to her, and began to lean back in my seat, yawning out.
Last nights events were tiring. The mission itself was tiring and I didn't even want to do it.

Oh fucking well.

This would all be over soon.
~ x ~

Unknown P.O.V.

The dark room held in the screams that were released from my throat but no one came to my rescue. The dead body of a girl laying next to me caused my stomach to turn but I had forced myself not to puke up whatever food I had left in my system.

Four days.
I've been here for four days.
No sun.
No sound.
No people.

Just my screams, this dead girl, and the occasional light that happened if someone walked into the room. But even then I would flinch away because of the pain they would inflict.

I was sure I had a broken foot, deep gashes in my arms, and multiple bruises all along my body that weren't been taken care of but these people didn't care.

Whoever they were.
Whatever they are.
They always brought up her name.

The name of the person I longed to hug. To kiss.
To tell her that I still loved her, but that would be a lie.

Considering what I've done for the past two weeks she was away from me. Damn tempations.
"SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed out once again, "HELP!"

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