Chapter 10

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I woke up about an hour earlier than the usual which gave me some time to actually get ready without rushing. Niall's leather jacket was in the corner of my room resting on the grayish-black rolling desk chair. Yesterday's events were making my head spin so I stood up, wincing slightly when I stepped on the icy cold wood floor. Maybe I should add carpet. I slowly made my way to the closet, not really sure what I wanted to wear. It was still snowing outside, from what I could see, but it wasn't as heavy as the previous day. That's how I usually liked it whenever it snowed because the snow wouldn't be as thick to stop a day of school but it would be thick enough for fun. I snapped out of my daydream of snow and began to look through the closet again for my outfit.

After about fifteen minutes of looking for an outfit, I finally decided on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a salmon pink, long sleeve top. Isn't that descriptive. I grabbed my clothes and went into the connected bathroom, looking in the mirror with a look of distaste. The crust by my eyes, the drool at the corners of my mouth, the paleness of my face, and the way my hair stuck everywhere. Shower. Now. I turned on the shower quickly and waited for it to get hotter, peeling off the large sports jersey I was wearing. It was Brad's football (soccer) jersey from his first year playing at our school. It was large on me because he was always so masculine that it didn't really fit me right. I stripped off the panties and stepped into the water, quickly shutting the door as the water hit me from every direction of the shower. It relaxed my muscles completely and woke my body up.

Ten minutes later I was just wearing my jeans and a black bra, I usually never put on a shirt when I had extra time. Jackson wasn't going to wake up for another thirty minutes so I was free until then. I plugged my phone into the tiny -but loud- speakers and hit play, dancing around to the musical words of American Girl, which by the way was a pretty cool song. I curled each strand of my hair before brushing it out so it didn't look so perfect, smiling at the finished product. I forced my feet into a pair of brown ankle boots, wincing a bit at the pressure, but sighed in relief once they were on. Taking a look at the time, Jackson was up by now which made me think. How long was I dancing and doing my hair?! I took a deep breath and quickly did my makeup, adding a light pink lipstick to my lips. I wasn't one for makeup but something made me want to do it. I pulled on a black tank top then grabbed the top I was going to wear over it, putting my school stuff in a different bag before running out the room.

I was halfway downstairs when I remembered Niall's jacket so I ran back upstairs and pulled it on. I walked out of the house after checking the kitchen for Jackson to see that he was waiting for me in his car. As soon as I got into the passenger side, he sped off without a single word to me. That was usually how our mornings are like unless he tells me how he won't be able to pick me up or how he needed me to do something for him. I sighed deeply and leaned back in my seat, keeping a tight grip of Niall's jacket since I didn't want it to fall. It even had a good scent. The jacket had the scent of Armani Mania, it was the oldest of Armani aftershaves but it still had a very good smell to it. I liked when boys had a good smell because it added some sort of fantasy to kissing them.

Did I just say I wanted to kiss Niall?

"Who's jacket is that?" asked Jackson, curiosity laced through his words as he spoke. I glanced over at him to see that his eyes were on the road ahead of him, obviously awaiting for my answer as he tapped on the wheel. I really didn't want to answer him because he sometimes got a little too nosy in my opinion. That's why I never told him anything. He gazed at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.

"Well, Anna? Who's jacket is that?" His voice was more stern and annoyed now so I decided that I was going to answer him. Though I didn't want to.

"A boy's jacket. He lent it to me as he drove me home yesterday because you decided to leave me for your stupid friends." My answer didn't satisfy him apparently since he glared at me with one of those glares he gave to people that annoyed or bothered him. Which category was I this time? I'm guessing he wanted Niall's name and he wasn't going to stop pestering me until I gave it to him. "Niall. His name is Niall."

Wrong answer.

Jackson hit on the brakes quickly as he reached the entrance of the school, looking at me with wide eyes that asked if I was stupid.

"Niall Horan?! Are you crazy, Annabelle?! Why would you be in the same room as him?! Why are you even talking to him?!"

Instead of answering his drilling questions, I quickly grabbed my bag and Niall's jacket then jump out of the car as fast as I could. I didn't want to be under Jackson's gaze or interrogation anymore. The first thing I come to sight with were the glances I was receiving from the students in front of the school. Their stares were burning into my soul which bothered me a lot so I quickly shifted my gaze to the parking lot.

Relief spread over me as I saw that Niall was waving me over slightly, his friends looking at him as though he lost his mind. I took a deep breath before letting my feet guide me over to the smiling blond, keeping my eyes on him just to ignore his friends. They were glaring at me besides that Liam kid. The other three gave me the creeps, including the green eyed bloke.

When I reached them, I instantly held up his jacket and waited for him to take it from my hands but he never did. All he did was look me over. My skin was covered in goose bumps due to the snow yet I really didn't mind since there was rarely any wind. As soon as I thought that, a strong blow of wind hit and my body instantly shivered. He laughed and grabbed the jacket from my hands, wrapping it around my shoulders and nudging me to put my arms in to the sleeves. So I did so. The sleeves covered my hands a bit but other than that it was actually pretty comfortable. Niall pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of me, grinning as though he won the lottery yet his friends still glared at me.

"Guys meet Annabelle. Annabelle meet the guys." He started, going through each of them slowly. I already knew Liam so I smiled softly at him. Zayn was the name of the boy that threatened me yesterday in class and stopped my walk on Saturday. His brown hair was in the same quiff and his eyes were still in a glaring position. Okay? Louis stood next to the curly haired boy and he was quite good looking also. He had shaggy brown hair that was probably styled but messed up on purpose and a pretty shade of blue eyes, not as pretty as Niall's though. The curly haired boy was Harry. His eyes were a darker color than they were the previous day, giving me his 'signature' glare that made my skin crawl. All of the boys wore almost the same outfit: black skinny jeans, black sneakers, the bandana around their right wrist, and a leather jacket. Except for Niall since I had his.

It was an awkward silence for about five minutes before Niall spoke up again, he didn't seem to mind the quietness but I did. It scared me a bit.

"Why don't you take Anna to her English class, Liam, since you have it with her?"

I looked over to Liam, who just shrugged and put out the cigarette I just now noticed he was smoking. All of our eyes turned to Liam as though waiting for him to say something but he never did. Zayn whispered something in his ear before leaning back against the car which I saw was a dark blue Chevy.

"Alright! See ya later, Anna!" Niall cheered as he rushed into his car along with Louis while Harry got into a black Range Rover with Zayn. I'm guessing the Chevy was Liam's then. I watched them disappear out of the school before turning my gaze to Liam, who was already walking in front of me. I quickly sprinted after him before walking at a pace to keep up, looking down at my feet.

"You know," Liam started causing me to look up at him away from my thoughts, "the decision you have to make would be the easiest ever if you were smart enough to figure it out."

I frown deeply at him, not sure what he meant by that but it made me mad a bit. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out since I was so confused as to what he was trying to say. He just started to laugh, earning a few looks from the students we passed by.

"I'm not giving you any hints but you'll find out soon enough, Henderson." That was the last thing he said to me before walking into our English class with my eyes following him. I huffed in annoyance before following him to my seat and sitting, turning my gaze to the teacher.
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