Chapter 7

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I was on my way to English while reading the small school manual that our Registration instructor gave us. She also handed over a swipe card with a brown and black swipe, it sort of confused me at first until she explained it. Apparently, the swipe card is so we can swipe into every lesson to let the school know that we have attended that certain lesson and to know where we are in case of emergencies. The black stripe is to let us get into the toilets and bathrooms whereas the brown stripe gets us into our lessons. I found it a bit confusing but the swipe card was safely placed in my wallet while I walked through the halls, alone. Jackson surprisingly went to his class before the bell ring but I guess that was just so he could know where each of his classes were before he started to skip.

I walked into the classroom as soon as the bell rang which earned me stares from the entire class that possible consisted of twenty-five people. The teacher turned to look at me with a bright smile, her eyes a bright green and her hair a bright red color. She seemed young, around her mid-twenties or mid-thirties. Whatever age she was, the boys in the classroom seemed to follow her body movements with their eyes. Mrs. Leddin. That was her name but her first name, according to my schedule, was Rebekah. Didn't fit her but it was a beautiful name.

Wait...why am I thinking about this?!

I shook my head to clear it and smiled lightly when she approached, taking a look at my schedule through her cat eyed shaped black glasses. "You can take a seat in the back next to Liam." She whispered to me, her voice was soft and gentle. She pointed to a boy in the back corner, who's brown eyes were already on me. I nodded slowly and started to walk up to him as slow as possible. His golden brown hair was cut close to his head as though it was a buzz cut but he still had the hair there. The little facial hair he had added to his already tough bad boy beauty. His arms were covered in tattoos and his face had a few piercings, seemed to toughen his image up a bit. I sat down next to him, noticing the white with speckled red bandana on his right wrist.

My eyes went up to meet his gaze, instantly realizing that he was one of the boys that stopped me on Saturday. I turned away slowly and watched Mrs. Leddin move across the white board quickly, her words coming out as fast as the roadrunner's running. I sighed deeply as she started to talk about a book report that would be due tomorrow. Most of the students had time since the start of holiday but I was able to turn it in next Monday.

The bell finally rang about forty minutes later which meant that I had the worst class ever next. Maths. My teacher was Mr. Wood-Ring and according to a student that was in Registration, she was whining about him, he was one of the meanest teachers on campus. I took a deep breath as I walked out of the class and looked around.

The five boys from Saturday were at the end of the hall, leaning against the lockers on each side of the hall. The boy with the blue eyes that hung out with the blond boy from Registration was talking a mile a minute to the boys. They each still wore the bandanna around their wrists even when they were in school which concluded my thoughts of them being in a gang. That was the only way it would match up. I hadn't realized I was staring until the blond stopped talking and looked at me, a smirk playing at his pink lips. I tore my gaze away quickly then suddenly figured out, as I looked at my schedule, that I had to walk past them in order to get to my Maths class.

My feet started moving on their own and I saw that the boys were getting closer as I walked towards them. Their eyes on me. I shifted my eyes to the schedule in my hand and safely made it past them. Not. One of the boys gave a nice grope on my ass which caused me to jump and them to laugh.

Don't turn around. Don't yell. Don't cause a scene.

The words replayed in my head over and over again as I quickly made my way to the classroom. I got to the class two minutes before the bell and took a seat in the back, most people staring at me. I really didn't understand why everyone was looking at me. I mean, I know riding to school in a very expensive car can turn heads but that doesn't give an excuse to just stare at someone. Was it the way I looked? The way my brother looked? I was brought back to reality at the sound of a chair scraping besides me along with a girl sitting right there. Her curly brown hair reached about the middle of her back with blonde highlights shining through that made her blue eyes speak out louder. I looked over her outfit and was a bit surprised as to why she wore something like that to school when it was snowing.

A blue crop top and skinny jeans along with black ankle boots; of course she had a cardigan on but that cardigan wouldn't be able to keep her warm against the harsh winter. I looked back up at her when I noticed her naval piercing to see that she was already smiling at me. She moved a strand of hair out of her face before taking out a black notebook, the words on the cover caused me to shiver slightly.

'I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything.'

I wonder why she wrote that so I opened my mouth to ask but she beat me to the punch, yet it wasn't about the notebook. "Everyone's staring at you because of your brother." she stated, her voice having a country accent which proved she wasn't from around here. Maybe from America. The girl looked at me with a cocked eyebrow, "He's widely known in this part of Doncaster if you didn't already know. Everyone has been waiting your arrival to see if you're anything like your brother. Are you?" I was lost for words, not sure how to answer her question since it was never asked. Thankfully the teacher walked in and the bell rang, saving me from answering her question.

I pulled out my own purple composition and placed it on the desk; bending over to grab the pen I dropped. When I sat back up in my seat, there was a folded pink sheet of paper with my name written in messy handwriting. I looked around the room before opening the paper slowly, the same messy handwriting had written: 'I'm Hannah.' I turned to the brunette next to me who waved slightly with a cheesy smile causing myself to smile wide. Our attention went to the teacher but I sent the note back to her, which made me realize something. I just made a friend on my first day of a new school and she didn't judge me from this morning entrance. But why would she?

Passing notes with a new friend?

Yeah, this was the start to a beautiful friendship.

But this made my mind go to Kayla, she had always been there for me since we first met but I couldn't help but feel as though she's been hiding something from me. We usually tell each other everything to make the friendship work but she has been off for the past few months. I usually just shook it off so I wouldn't worry about Kayla for one full school day but normally it didn't work because I had her in all my classes. I snapped back when I read Hannah's schedule to see that we had Music, French, and PE together. Smiling at her, I gave back the paper and the note before going back to taking notes.

I could tell this was going to be a long day.


A/N: Alright. There is a lot of things like Registration and stuff in this book. Mainly because I make it as close to a school in England as possible. Schools in England (public schools) have swipe cards, Registration, and what not. If you're confused, leave a comment.

In the picture, you can see her outfit

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