Chapter 1

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The beginning of Winter Break couldn't come quick enough for the students at Emberton Private School because it meant no more homework for at least two weeks. No uniforms or unwanted spot hoggers. There was no drama around the school as it was slowly counting down to a blissful two weeks of friends, family, and a whole lot of shopping for some girls. The cold weather of December didn't seem to stop the students as they hung out around their cars as though they were waiting for someone but in reality they just wanted to capture the scene before them. Everyone got along; like usual. The teachers went around campus handing out Holiday Grams to certain people which caused the school to erupt with random giggles of glee from one end of the corridor to the other. The quite thick book in my pale, fragile fingers was quickly pulled away and hid behind the perpetrator's back, making me look up into a pair of golden brown eyes. Brad Bakerfield. My boyfriend of six months that loved to irritate me in the simplest ways, like stealing my book just now, but I loved him with every bone in my body and every beat in my heart. Cheesy.

He gave me a cheesy smile before leaning down and pecking my lips gently, only to pull away a few seconds. The sun reflected off of his curly blonde hair which usually made all the girls swoon but I made sure none of them actually 'touched' him. I felt his warmth no matter how long the kiss was and just smiled up at him. My green eyes following his movement as he sat behind me to play with my long, wavy dark brown hair that seemed to intrigue him for some reason. We didn't speak for a while but it was a comfortable silence since we were both so used to it because he knew I didn't really like talking. "Do you really have to leave?" His hoarse voice whispered in my ear, pulling me into his arms that seemed huge compared to my body. I stayed quiet for another few minutes because I didn't really know how to answer the question he already knew the answer to.

I was leaving this school to attend a school in Doncaster because I wanted adventure and wanted a way to feel alive rather than in a shell. Most people at my school were good people in front of adults but as soon as the back was turned, they were the first to pull out a joint or a cup of disguised alcohol. I couldn't bring myself to do that so I decided it was time for a change. Changing schools was the first on my list because I've been in this school for so many years that I don't feel adventurous anymore. I knew leaving Brad was a risk but it was one that I was willing take; along with leaving my best friend, and only friend, Kayla Turner. She's been my friend since grade school but she's practically a sister to me now no matter what birth certificates say. It was a hard decision for me but after three weeks of thinking, I finally came up with the conclusion that I was going to do it. I was going to leave and see how it'll be in a different part of town.

"Yeah, I really have to leave." I stated, my voice a small whisper possibly barely audible due to the heavy wind surrounding us but I guess he heard because he gave a small nod. He was probably the only person that understood me better than anyone else I knew, including my mum. "I'm sorry but we'll catch up during breaks and weekends and whenever. You can even drop me off on the first day and make sure I'm safe from the gangs." I joked but we both knew that the school I was heading to was a bad choice for how I was raised since there were actual gangs that ran the area. A certain gang caught my eye as many people warned me about them but I couldn't help but wonder what their name was since it never got stuck in my head. Maybe I was over exadurating but I thought I saw a small hint of worry in Brad's eyes which meant that I was right about the gangs. Or was it something else.

His next words surprised me since I thought he was going to fight to come and see me if we haven't still seen each other. "I'm not allowed down there. It's too dangerous. I wish I could take you but I can't," or he won't, "because I...Belle, please just stay."

Belle was my nickname for him ever since we met two years back in sophomore year. It stuck like glue and everyone around school started to call me that which began to get annoying but I just let them continue on with the nickname. Brad wasn't one of those people that would usually sit by and let a loved one leave but for some reason I just didn't want to stay anymore. I shook my head and pulled away from his arms to start putting away my books in the beige floral backpack I brought today. It didn't really contain everything since I already cleaned out my locker three days ago but it was a little heavier due to presents.

I fixed my skinny jeans as I stood so nothing in the back was shown; the red knitted sweater I had on was a bit big around my waist but that was the way I liked wearing knit sweaters. Brad stood also yet he was more quiet than he was earlier as though my silence was a final answer for him. He tugged at his tie a little and undid the first three buttons of his white shirt, he always looked like this though he was able to pull it off.

I placed my bag on the ground as he pulled me close to his chest, one hand resting on my lower back and the other cupping my cheek. We stayed like this for about five minutes just looking into one another's eyes before actually pressing our lips together. His soft lips met my own and I would have totally gotten lost in the kiss if it wasn't for a car honking uncontrollably from behind us. He deepened it for a moment before pulling away slowly, looking at the car to see who it was before grinning like an idiot. That grin usually gave me ideas. Brad looked at me once more and pecked my lips again.

"Your last kiss of innocence...we'll see each other again, baby." He whispered against my lips, making me smile softly. I don't know what it meant and I really didn't want to know because it seemed to me that he already knew what was going to happen at my new school. Another car honked which meant that it was my ride so I picked up the bag, gave him a quick peck on the lips, and dashed off to the red sports car. Jackson. I smiled at my brother as soon as I got in the car but he never turned down the radio or even looked at me, he was mad that I was forcing him to go with me to the new school.

"Let's just go home and pack." was all he said to me before driving off towards our house. This ought to be fun.


What do you think so far? Should I update or naah?!

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