Chapter 20 (part 1)

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The day had finally come when Tristan and Hannah were taking me dress shopping for the Spring Fling that was in two months. Two fucking months and we had to go now for some reason. I had tried to question them but they both just ignored me as soon as I asked over the phone.

Tristan hung up on me after stating the time both of them were coming over to my house which surprised my parents for some reason. They hadn't known I made friends even when I told them about the party a few weeks ago. Losers. I looked at the cat clock that hung on the wall opposite from my bed and noticed that I had about two hours before they came. Which left me two choices.

Start getting ready now or just wait until I had about five minutes?

Knowing Hannah, she'd try to doll me up if I didn't at least try to look my best so I went with the first choice. I really didn't want her prying at my hair. That hurt.

I went to the bathroom and started the shower, staring in the mirror as I waited for the water to get to the right temperature. All this talk about the Spring Fling made my stomach queasy for some reason and I didn't really want to talk about it as much. I'd ask Brad but he wasn't answering any of my calls or even try to contact me.

I wasn't really a clingy girlfriend but I did worry a lot when it came to people that I cared for since I didn't want anyone hurt. My friends used to call me 'The Mum' of the group since I was so protective of all of them. I pulled my hair out of the braid it was in, needing to wash it since I haven't in the past three days.

Don't judge me. I haven't had time.

I stepped into the shower, sighing in content as the stinging jets of water hit my back which was basically a massage. I kept my eyes closed for a while before opening the and grabbing my shaver, which I don't think I needed. It was Friday and I shaved Wednesday yet the hair wasn't visible yet which meant that I didn't need to again until Saturday or Sunday. I thought all of that rather quickly and placed the razor down, just focusing on my hair.

After about ten minutes or so in the shower, I wrapped a peach colored towel around my body and walked to the room. Goosebumps instantly rose since I liked to keep my room around sixty degrees but who doesn't. Looking through my phone for any missed texts, I noticed that I received a text from the high school. Oh god.

'Attention all seventh years attending the Spring Fling! Dates and nominations need to be submitted no later than Thursday, April 31st! Thank you!'

I rolled my eyes and instantly deleted the text, I didn't even want to go to the dance. It was only going to have teens dancing vulgarly, spiked drinks, and sex after parties. Wait. That was prom. But still, it didn't really make me want to go. But it was my last year of school before college which meant that I wanted to go to every event. Even the stupid ones.

I changed into a pair of lightly faded jeans along with army looking boots, not even sure where those came from. I put on a strapless bra and looked in my closet for a shirt to wear. I didn't want anything too long since it was getting hot but nothing short sleeved completely because it was still cold from winter. I pulled on a sleeved v-neck that surprisingly felt amazing to my body.

I applied some deodorant before starting to brush my hair, not sure what I wanted to do with it. It was always in a braid or down so after a minute I decided to just pull it into a ponytail. My curls will happen when my hair dries. I decided on not applying more than some eyeliner and mascara because I didn't want to deal with the trouble of trying to wipe it off. That's always a hassle.

I never really understood why girls wore so much makeup. Too me, each girl was beautiful in their own way without makeup. It wasn't my place to say whether or not some should wear makeup when it came to my friends so I usually said nothing. But when they came to me with their face caked in makeup, I always tend to cringe at the fact that they look older than they actually are without makeup. That's the best lesson I have in life.

Make up free equals true beauty in my eyes.

I smiled a bit and grabbed my purse before making my way downstairs, just in time as the doorbell echoed through the house. It was some Christmas tune for some reason. I think Jingle Bells but I wasn't so sure. I watched as Aliza, one of the maids, answered the door and jumped away as the two eccentric girls walked in. I admired both of their outfits but snapped out of it when I was tugged out of the house. No hellos or anything were exchanged as they pushed me into a silver SUV.

Hannah got into the driver's side, and before I could say anything, she gave me a look and said, "It's my dad's car. He won't get me my own."

I just laughed at her answer and looked at Tristan, who seemed to be quieter than she usually was. I was jealous of how her curls naturally spiraled while mine went into large spiral waves, which were pretty but not as pretty as hers.

I guess she felt me staring because her eyes landed on my own and a soft smile made it's way to her lips. Her eyes held some sadness in them but they were hidden behind determination along with some fear, which confused me a bit though I knew not to question. She didn't really like answering questions or have questions asked.

"You know, Annabelle..." she started, shifting in the passenger seat to face me better. "Niall seems to have taken a liking for you...maybe you should go to the Spring Fling with him."

I choked on my spit a bit and stared at her with wide eyes, not sure how to answer that. I admit that Niall was good looking and very sweet but I was in a relationship already, which seemed to be on hold apparently. Also, I have a feeling that Harry wouldn't like that idea anyways. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I felt both of their gazes and took a deep breath, still not sure what to say to that.

Damn it, Tristan.

She just grinned and turned back to face the road, obviously proud of the way she made me speechless. That usually never happens but what she said was just a shock. I hadn't noticed Niall taking a liking to me even though I took my own liking to him. It was wrong to take a liking to Niall because I have a boyfriend but it's not bad if I just wanted to be his friend. Right?

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I looked out the window and realized that we were about to reach the shopping plaza. I never knew that it was that close to my house but I guess if you're distracted then time really does fly by quickly. The parking lot was actually quite crowded for a Saturday afternoon which quite surprised me since the one by my old home was more crowded. I guess that's what happens when you live in Central London.

I stepped out of the car once Hannah parked and followed behind both of the girls as they walked quickly, not wanting to really be a part of the conversation. Tristan already cut that bud on the way here.

Tristan was a nice girl but there were times where she would just act rude and cocky, like in the car ride. She always apologized later when she felt that it really affected someone but it usually came without thinking first. She was one girl that you wouldn't worry about spilling your dirty secrets to even if she threatened to tell them to the world. She always held her tongue when it came to secrets and lies, never a liar.

I finally noticed that both girls had stopped walking and stared ahead of them, as though frozen. I slowly looked over and my lips parted a bit in surprise. There stood Niall along with his gang, Harry walking over to them. Their eyes were on us three but mainly me for some strange reason, it was like they were daring me to move or do something.

After a few minutes of the stare down, Hannah shook her head and shook Tristan's arm to catch her attention. I licked my lips and continued to watch them, starting to freak out when they made their way over.

Breath damn it.


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