Chapter 5

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The previous night was etched into my head as though it was on a loop or something because nothing would get it out. I lay stretched out on the purple duvet, my feet dangling off of the bed as my eyes stared at the galaxy decorated ceiling. It was about nine in the morning and the entire house quiet besides the cook in the kitchen, who continued to bash pots and pants against each other. It was starting to annoy me. The bright yellow towel on my desk was holding on for dear life since it was on the verge of slipping off. I stood up and grabbed the towel before walking into the bathroom connected to my room. It's shower had a glass door so I locked the door behind me even though no one usually walks into my room.

The shower was as hot as boiling water but I still managed to stand under the water stream with no pain. Hot water never really bothered me because I love showers and I taught my skin to love super hot water. Maybe that's why my skin is red half of the time. This shower lasted about thirty minutes because I just stood there for a good fifteen minutes before actually washing myself. I shut the shower off but never got out. I leaned against the shower wall, closing my eyes and inhaling the heated air since it calmed my body down. A loud knock at the door made me jump and cause me to slip but I quickly caught balance on the door.

"Hello?" I called out, my breathing heavy as I got out and wrapped the towel around my well-built frame. Mainly due to dancing and track. The voice on the other brought some surprise because this person never walked into my room, they just called me downstairs. Who was this person? My father. The man I never usually talked to even when I was younger because he was never home. And if he was, he was busy with talking to my brother. Not me.

"Annabelle," my father started to say, his deep voice was calm but that only meant that he was actually very angry, "hurry up and meet your mother and I down in the kitchen. We need to talk to you about your sneaking out yesterday." Shit. I listened to his footsteps as he walked away before breathing out in relief. I was in so much trouble for leaving the house but I knew that all that was going to happen is my father yelling at me then making me clean the kitchen. Always the punishment. Doesn't bother me.

I walked into my room and quickly dried myself, not wanting to test my father's patience because he has been on the edge lately. I pulled on a simple black bra along with matching panties, looking through my closet since I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear. It's hard to decide since I was going shopping later today. If my friends came. I decided on a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue crop top, a black sweater in my hands as I walked out of the room dressed with my hair dripping wet. It curled at the ends but everything else stayed wavy like it usually did when I wet it.

When I reached the kitchen, my father and mother were sitting around the island with Jackson next to them. My mother looked up from her phone but my father continued to read some file, I stood there awkwardly. I never feel myself whenever they're around because they seem to judge me for every move I make. My mother smiled at me but it was a fake smile, she didn't like being angry with me. She was my favorite.

"Sweetie, about yesterday. Didn't we tell you not to leave?" Her voice was stern but I knew that she wanted to be kind. She couldn't be kind with me whenever my father was angry because then he would yell at her. I just nod, not wanting to speak since I knew my father would jump into the conversation. "So...why did you leave then?" I sighed as she asked this question, mainly because my reason for leaving was a stupid one. I took a deep breath before meeting her gaze, trapping my bottom lip between my teeth.

"I was bored at home alone. There was nothing to do so I went for a walk but the walk was fine, mum. Nothing happened." I said, my voice was calm but I was freaking out on the inside incase they didn't believe me. I shifted from foot to foot, keeping my eyes on my mother because I was afraid to look at my father for his response. The scraping of a chair moving caused my eyes to avert towards the sound which was my father standing up. His eyes burned into mine as we looked at each other, my heart skipped a beat. In a bad way.

"Because you were bored you disobeyed me? I have let you slide by every single other time but this has gone too far!" His voice boomed causing me to jump back a little, "I give you an order and I expect you to follow them! It was for your own safety!" I did a wrong move and decided to roll my eyes to his response, crossing my arms. This was a stupid reason because he was acting as though I was in danger or something. Which I wasn't.

"You're overreacting." I started off, ignoring my brother who tried to give me a warning to shut up. "Nothing happened! You keep me locked up in this place and I'm bound to leave! How come Jackson can have freedom when the other day someone was shooting at him?!" I heard the gasps but turned and ran up to my room, pulling on my Keds and grabbing my purse before putting on a black beanie. I was done with this family at the moment so I was hoping my friends would come soon. I take a glance at my phone to see that my friend, Miranda decided to cancel the mall trip because her parents didn't like the neighborhood.

I sighed and tossed my phone on the cluttered desk, collapsing on my bed with another sigh. Everything was so blurry in my mind because I wanted to have my friends to hang out with but they wouldn't come over. I know my neighborhood was bad but what is the real reason no one would come over. That was my question. My brain also went back to the previous night with the five boys I met; their faces were etched into my mind. I wanted to know why the boys had the bandanna around their wrists and what the red color blotches were. I knew they were in a gang because of the bandannas but who were they and why did their car have bullet marks like Jackson's car.

This was something I had to figure out soon or it would drive me crazy.

My bedroom door opened but I knew who it was due to the strong scent of vanilla perfume. My mother. I kept my eyes on the ceiling as she walked over and laid down next to me, maybe she wouldn't talk. But who was I kidding. She loves to talk. Her hand brought me closer into a hug and I just stayed in her arms, looking at the wall now.

"You do know you have to clean now..." She stated, trailing off because she knew it would anger me. I sighed deeply and sat up, getting out of her arms to stand also before walking out of the room. I decided just to clean the house and get it over with so I can leave after I was finished. I was figured that when I finished I could leave and just go look around since I believe I would be safer in the day time. I walked to the hallway closet where the cleaning supplies were and grabbed some stuff before walking to the bathroom.

First job: Bathroom.

Was it the hardest? No.

Do I hate it? Yes.

I sighed deeply before starting to clean the bathroom, it wasn't that dirty but I knew that I would have to tackle dirtier things throughout the day. This was my last day before a new school and I had to spend it cleaning so this was a drag.



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