Chapter 6: Spinnette Starling

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Spinnette POV

"Oh Mr.Sandman~" I said at Sandstorm (Sand Guy) "There's a phone call for you~" I said leaning over to him. "And who is it might I ask?" Sandstorm said grabbing the phone. "Someone who is your boss.". I said politely. His face turned into a mix of shocked and pissed. "What did you say...." He asked slowly pulling over.

"I just told him that you'd call him back when you get the chance." I said smirking. "Why you little-"

*Cat fight ensues*

"We're here.... Now get out the car!" Sandstorm said with an irritated look on his face. I happily got out and watched him leave. "Might as well get to sleep." I said shrugging him off. A few minutes later I had taken my hair down and was taking a shower. While I was in there I thought about the fight earlier and about those idiots.

"Oh shit their still in my place!" I thought while I released them from their prison.

Third person POV

Blaze, Erin, and Aira were at that moment released from their.... Torture I guess you would say. A black portal opens up a few feet in the air and just drops them down.... And then leaves them questioning what the hell just happened.

"I have been falling! For 3 hours!" Erin said pissed that they just lost to that bitch. Just then they're comms burst to life. They then hear the voice of Jack screaming at them in a worried and angry tone. "Team where the hell are you-" "Jack!" Aira said cutting him off.

*At Revenets HQ*

"I see.... So that's why you've been off radar for so long. Good news, Your all alive and mostly well," Jack said looking them all down for any more than a few bruises. "The bad news is that now the enemy stole the objective and are now a step ahead.". Blaze stood from his seat and looked at Jack with a serious expression.

"We get it Jack we lost. You don't have to rub even more salt in the wound".
Jack looked at the 3 of them and sighed knowing that someone might have his head. "Well for now just relax and rest." . They all looked at him like he just died except for Aira who was smiling. "Something funny Aira?!" Erin asked her as she just laughed.

"Sorry it's just that.... While we were panicking over how we just got jumped and robbed. I may or may not have installed a tracker to her suit." Aira says pulling out an Ipad showing her exact location. They all look at it and stared at the signed location of the tracker with all their jaws dropped. "Well there's your next assignment. Find whoever that is and bring them here. You'll leave tomorrow morning.".

*6 AM at Spinnette's house*
Spinnette's POV

"*yawn*" I slowly rose from my oh so comfy bed and looked in the mirror at myself. Half pink, half black hair going down jus below my shoulder blades. Two pink eyes staring at me. I was wearing on of my normal pink T-shirts with a pair of black shorts. Spinnette Starling in all my hot and sexy glory.

I start to get ready for the day going downstairs to start making coffee. I start to sit down to wait and then my doorbell rings.... At 6 in the god damn morning.... Someone has a death wish. I look outside the peephole to see the guys I fought yesterday.
Oh well. I open the door with my hands on my hips and the best I-didn't-just-wake-up-face and said "Can I help you?".

"Hello there Ms. Starling. We are working for a company known as The Revenents. You can just call me Phoenix, can we come in." He asked politely. Phoenix huh. Well since I'm too tired to fight all 3 of them right now.... "Sure come in." I said kindly. I may be a bad guy but I'm a bad guy with reasons.
That's when The coffee was done and I poured them each a cup.

"So Ms. Starling-" I cut him off by saying "Just call me Spinnette.". "Okay.... Spinnette is it ok if we ask you some questions?" He said pulling out a notebook. "Sure why not?" I said as his friends started looking around the house. Dumbass must think that I'm stupid or something to not notice.

"So how old are you and how long have you been living here?"
"I am currently 17 years old and have been living here for a decent 2 years." I stated proudly.

As I kept on answering his questions I noticed his friends sit back at his sides and whisper something to him. "And one last question, What exactly do you do for work?". Now this one caught me off guard.

So I am going to have to come up with a good excuse or I might be fucked. So I just came up with this. "I work for my dads boss. Basically we go back and forth to get supplies or papers for him and he makes the plans.". I swear I could feel the anger radiating behind that smile.

After that they were gone. Hopefully I won't have to see them until my next mission.

So that is another chapter done and I've noticed less people looking at this so please share this with friends who might want to read this just for fun. Please follow me and comment!

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