Chapter 10: The Big Three part 1 - Hades

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Jack POV

"Just another peaceful morning." I said walking into my office with a cup of coffee. From the window of my office I look outside and see a demonic looking car that appears to have a very reckless driver coming through the drive- *Crashes into The front door* way.... "Wait one damn minute." I then realize just who the fuck pulled up and oh we are about to have a bad time.

"Nonononononononnonononononononono!!!!" I say running downstairs to see Blaze, Aira, Erin, and Spinnette Surrounding a guy with the same complexion as me, Spiked Blue hair, Black Finger-less gloves with silver spikes on them, Dark blue ripped jeans, and the same colored eyes. "Alright kiddies ya got five seconds to-" and then he looks my way. "Oh god-", "Jack! It's a miracle to see your still kicking!". Everyone just looks at him as he hugs and smiles at me.

"What are you doing here Jacob...." I say jabbing my finger at him."What can't a guy just come and see his brother at work?" he asked innocently.

"Jacob, when it comes down to you nothing is normal!" I shout towards him. Meanwhile everyone is just looking at the two of us like the worlds hardest puzzle. "Ah.... I see that I should explain-" before I can finish my sentence Elizabeth burst in with a shotgun. "I'm here where's the-". It takes her a full 30 seconds to process. "Oh no-" "Elyyyyyyy!" Jacob said going towards her. she then puts down her gun with a both disturbed and disgusted look on her face as he hugs her.

She then looks behind him while hugging him and mouths "what the fuck is your idiot brother doing here?!". I then looked at her and mouthed "I don't know he just showed up out of nowhere!". They then separate and Jacob walks over to me. "So what are you here for? You don't come over unless it's work or a.... Jacob...." He looks at me and then says "Yeah bro?", I grab his shoulders and say "Please tell me today is not that day.... right?". He just gives me that dumbass smirk of his and says "Don't tell me you and lizzy forgot the big meeting today!". I just sit there in a mix of dumbfounded and shocked trying to process those words. "Zack might actually kill you this time! Oh please let it be so!".

"Jacob this is serious!!!! If Zack comes over here and I'm not ready then me and my team are dead!" I yelled at him. "And to make matters worse you just put a hole in my front entrance!". He then just looks at my face and says "Oi! Emerald! Get in here!". A blonde headed 15 year old wearing a business suit walks in with shades and high heels.

Elizabeth just stares her up and down with a glare. Introducing the number one most snarky, annoying, and irritating grass element there is: Emerald Black. And my brothers assistant. With a wave of her hand she then summons up some very large roots that cary out Jacobs car and repair the damage.

"As you can see brother I keep my word. I'll be back with my motorcycle to give you the coordinates to the meeting. Oh and," he says stopping right before he walks out. "Train your students. If Zack thinks you aren't doing your job he'll come for me next. And we don't want any unfortunate accidents like last year, right?".

And with that. He was gone. "Hey jack." Blaze says to me. "Who was that?".

Hello guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but school has been a hassle. See you next time in part 2!

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