Chapter 8: More Ghostpresso Less Depresso

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Ghost POV

"Where do I go from here?" I asked myself. With Sandstorm gone.... I can't go back home.... I have to find those guys from Revenants. Perhaps I could make a deal with them to save myself from even more suffering. Fear Elements can see the souls of others in the area. It takes a lot of focus and can give a headache to those who aren't experts. "Spinnette Starling you've been doing this for over 9 years. You're pretty much a goddamn professional." I said to myself despite my exhaustion from over using my powers. I focused on the energy around me and My eyes turned pink, glowing with fear energy. It didn't take long to figure out which soul was which. From that point I started walking towards their location.

Aira's House

"So what do we do about our Ghost Problem?" Blaze asked. Aira looked at Blaze as Erin walked over to a closet and opened it up digging inside. "When me and Rocky over there were young we made a lightning rod. But it never worked so we just shoved it in my closet.". Erin walked over with a iPad That had a glowing red dot on it. "It didn't work, BUT last week we refitted it to track elemental signatures instead!"
We were all hunched over looking at the screen. "Wait...." Blaze said looking at the red dot. "If that's Ghost then doesn't that mean that she's really cl-".


I looked out the peep hole and see Spinnette.... The woman just showed up.... At my doorstep. I step away look at the guys, and then open the door. We stare each other in the eyes for a second trying to think of what to say. "Hey" "Hey". We both said. "You look like shit, What happened". I said letting her in, the boys staring the whole time. "I uh- Sort of need a place to spend the night and I'm uncomfortable being at my place at night without sandstorm soooooo. Could I hang for the night?". I was weighing the situation. On one hand this could be a complete trap to kill us. But on the other one she could actually need my help.

I am probably going to regret my decision but I can't just let her stay outside all night. "Wait here," I said going out of the kitchen letting her sit for a while. I walk over to the Blaze and Erin.

"So good news I found Spinnette! Bad news is that the gateway to hell is now knocking at my doorstep...." I announced clasping my hands together. "Well we can't just let her go! Ghost is a wanted woman and we very well would be arrested for working with her!" Erin stated. "Not to mention She works for Striker, and on top of that we're supposed to bring her in! Just how in the shitty god damn world are we supposed to get out of thi-"

Spinnette walks in on us talking with a mug full of coffee with a little whipped cream ghost in it. We all looked at her and Blaze asked with his stupid ass self:  "What is that?". Spinnette looked at him like he was joking and said "It's.... A ghostpresso. Do you.... Want one?".


How did I end up in this situation? I am having coffee, With my worst enemies, While watching How To Train Your Dragon.... Welp could be worse. Hurricane walks down And Gives us some popcorn. "So how exactly did you find us all the way over here?" Hurri asked while sitting down. "It wasn't that hard to do. Since my primary element is Fear it wasn't hard to focus on which souls were yours." Blaze paused the movie and they all looked at me.

"So you're telling me you could've tracked us down from the moment we met!?" Erin said shocked. "Well yeah. Not only are your souls exceptionally strong but unless you had something on you to block my soul sight then I could've ratted you out and have guys at your doorstep by.... Let's say 2 in the morning." After that sentence everyone was silent for a decent minute just taking in this new information.

"So you could have come in and wiped us out whenever you wanted.... Why didn't you." Blaze asked. "In all honesty I found you guys interesting. I don't like taking out my enemies that quick, I like to take my time to plan every possible scenario to make sure I have the best chance of winning!". I then stood up pausing the movie looking at all of them. "With that out of the way," I said standing infront of them.

"I, Spinnette Starling at this moment. Offer myself to join your team!".

Hello guys sorry this took so long I've just been too busy to get the chance to work on this but I guarantee that the next chapter will come out soon!

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