Chapter 4: Phoenix

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It's been 6 years since blaze lost his mother and OH how he's grown.

Blaze's POV

"Fuuuuuck!" I shouted as I lost yet another round of Mario Kart. I've grown up since I was 12. I have the same hair cut and I am now 18 years old. I'm still single and have been training for a long time so that I can go on my first mission. I have gained a nice six pack, and have gotten really good at my fire abilities. "You'll need more than a bunch of nice things to beat me at this game!" And that's my best friend and rival for life, Aira Sky. I've known her for a year now and she is the kind of girl that you wouldn't wanna fuck with. Unlike me, she has a wind element. She has tan skin, short hair that is a beautiful snow white, for some reason always wears black shorts, and a white short sleeve with a brown leather jacket over top of it. Also known as the master of video games.
"Whyyyyyy?! This happens every time you and I play this game!" I said continuing my rant. "Oh stop whining ya living fire hazard!". Here comes my next friend. Erin Stonefist. This guy is as rocky as his last name. He has dark chocolate skin, is single just like Aira, has a rock element, black hair that's short and stands up giving him that classic general hairstyle, wears a red jacket with a white shirt underneath, wears black sweat pants.

Blaze: And what do you know about playing video games?

Erin: I know I can do better than you!

Aira: Stop bickering bitches! I just got a text from Turner saying we have our first ever real life mission!

Blaze And Erin: OH HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aira POV

So yeah I'm 17 and I am already going on my first mission. I guess that this started 7 years ago when I was 10.

(Just gotta keep running until he gets tired and gives up) I thought to myself as I kept running. My family wasn't the best. Some would say that it's the worst kind. My mom was just a normal wind element until she met him. My dad was abusive, controlling, An alcoholic, and wouldn't take no for an answer. Here I was just running scared for my life because I didn't bring him water, opened that god damn door and ran. "Shit!?" I shouted as I came to a waterfall. Normally I would expect this running through a forest, but come on! I turned around and there he was. I don't remember how he looked and don't care or want to. He looked at me and said "WHY DID YOU RUN?!?!?!?!" he yelled as he reached out to grab me. I took a step back and fell down. My life flashed before my eyes and I hit the water. When I woke up I was with Elizabeth. And thus here I am now.

Erin's POV

(I wonder what it will be like?) I thought to myself as I rode in the chopper with Blaze and Aira. My name is Erin Stonefist and I'm 18. My story begins at your little more than average place in the desert. Why are we in the desert you ask? Well I grew up in this area until I got lost at the age of 12. I was so young and oblivious to the oncoming sandstorm. I got swept away so quick that I knew it wasn't just a accident. I was slowly starting to black out, but before I could I saw what looked like someone with a sand element which I figured was the one who attacked me. And the other one was a woman who looked like they had a Ice element. Then everything went dark. When I came to, I was with Elizabeth at my house. Then when I got offered this job I figured it be nice to help people who couldn't help themselves. And now I'm here and-- OMG we're landing!

Blaze's POV

"It's about time that we got here!" I yelled eagerly looking forward to are first assignment. A hologram of Elizabeth and Jack showed up. "Alright team!" Jack started. "This is your first mission so don't fuck it up! Your goal is to bring back some Intel on that if it gets into the wrong hands we'll all be in some deep and nasty shit! Do I make myself clear!" Jack said with pride and authority. "YES SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!" the three of us shouted giving him our full attention. The hologram then shut off and we all split up into our assigned positions.

"I'm in position. How about you guys?" I said through the red chip just in front of my ear. "We are in position." said Tremor AKA Erin. My codename was Phoenix and Aira was codenamed Hurricane. "Remember when the truck gets into position, Tremor, you create one of your rock walls and block it from escaping from both sides. While me and Phoenix secure the package. And if things go south, Phoenix and you create a rock and fire wall to allow us to escape. Got it?" Hurricane stated as we got ready to act. "Don't worry. Since when have we ever set one of our plans a-Blaze ?" Tremor said resulting in me laughing. "Let's just get this done and finish the mission!" Hurricane said trying to keep us quiet.

When we saw the truck I said "Get ready.... NOW!" and then we did as planned. Tremor created two stone walls with a grunt and nodded towards me and Hurricane. We ran in and she used wind to stop the barrage of bullets that came are way. "Let's see how you shoot when you're blind!" I yelled as I created a small flame on my finger and shot it into the air. After that it exploded and made a bright flash blinding the enemies. Me, Hurricane, and Tremor then proceeded to knock out the rest and tie them up.

Once we were done we got the package which appeared to be a suitcase. Hurricane got on the coms and said   "We got the objective do you copy?".  Jack's voice appeared on the opposite end and said "Congrats! Your first mission and you didn't mess it up! Now all you need to do is---"...... Silence? "What happened?!" I asked. "I don't know! I was just talking to Jack and then it got cut off by something or someone!" Hurricane said trying to figure out what happened. Tremor then looked up and said "Guys...." We both looked at wear he was looking and saw the last thing we were expecting. Sand. Before we could process what was going on the sand started to take form into a person who looked like they were in their mid thirties and had some short scruffy hair on their chin that was a similar to the sand and skin that they had on their body. It was a man as they looked down at us on sand that he had somehow got into the air. "What an interesting turn of events. Looks like I'll get to have some fun after all." The guy said in a raspy voice. He sounded calm. Like nothing bad was about to happen. That's what made it so god damn intimidating. "All I want, is that thing in your hand. He said pointing to the suit case in Tremors hands. "And if you don't...." He said making what looked like giant spear shaped bits of sand.

You'll Be Staining The Earth Red!

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