Chapter 5: Blood In The Sand

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Erin's POV

"Hey.... You're the same guy from the desert!" Erin said looking immediately pissed. "So your the brat that escaped me that day. You won't be dead today but I will give you a scare.... Ghost!" As soon as he said that a woman In a bright pink onesie jumpsuit like outfit with black stripes on it, a hood one the top with a stripe going down the middle with the same design for a mask on her face came down. She had the same figure as aira and had two twin buns in her hair (Left is Pink and Right is Black).  "I was waiting for soooooooooooooo long!" said 'Ghost' whining about not coming out sooner. "Stop bitching or I'll just kill you now! Do. Your. Job." He said glaring at her. "Fine, fine. I'm going..." Ghost said walking over. She then came at me first....

Narrator POV

Ghost Ran at Erin first going for his head. Of course thinking it was an attack he put his hands up in defense. However no hit came. He looked up and him, Aira and Blaze were all in a pitch black area like they were in a dream. They then saw Ghost sitting on a hot pink chair. "Hey! Where are we!" Blaze yelled at her. "You guys are in a little place called my pocket. It's a mini dimension that I can make with my powers. So that means you're not leaving until I say so....". This caught them all off guard. Thinking that they're first mission wouldn't involve this. And before they could respond she disappeared.

Ghost POV

Hello there! The code names Ghost! Let me talk about myself. My real name is Spinnette ( Spin-et ) I am 17 and this Is the 10th mission I've ever done. My powers are what you just witnessed! I don't know why those guys were so confused. I'm not that bad! I joined my team when I was 10. Back then I was on my own. My.... Parents died in a car crash so I was on my own and presumed dead. I turned 11 on December 12. Of course it was snowing so..... I should be dead.... I passed out from the cold and slowly drifted away.... I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up I was in a big car wrapped up in a blanket. Someone saved me. AKA the big guy covered in sand. He sort of became my dad. He showed me the ropes and yeah. That's it. "That should hold 'em sandy". I said. In a split second he already new where they were. "Good girl, lets go before we get caught" The two then left and a few hours later Blaze and his friends were released. From their prison.

Hey guy sorry that this one is so short but school is a bitch and yeah. Also you are welcome to try to make fan art for these characters. I am completely unreliable when it comes to art like that. Even so it would take days to complete. Bye-bye!

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