Chapter 11: The Big Three part 2 - Poseidon

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Blaze POV

"so...." I said as we were waiting. "Are you going to tell us who the idiot was?" I told Jack as we were walking into his office. "The man you just say here was another member of revenants. although unlike you four my brother Jacob is one of the leaders." Jack said with us all sitting around his desk. Aira finds a beanbag chair and says "So wait, I thought you and Elizabeth were the leaders?". Erin then looks and says "Does that mean there are more of you or?".

"Allow me to explain," Jack says. "You might want to sit down...."

"75 years ago, there was many people who have elements and many people who don't. We once all lived in peace where there was no violence or fighting between elementals, and humans. But then one day there was a man who was born with a powerful ability. The element, of Energy. half black and half white, he wreaked havoc upon all who opposed him. It started a full blown war between people.

Many lives were lost in the process. Elementals were seen as top threats. And as such we were banished to this place as a confinement zone.

However only a few 20 years later was when Revenants was created. We always have 6 leaders. One for each group.






and Travel."

"That was why my brother was here. Every year we have a large meeting with all our members to talk about any current issues.". We all just sat in awe about what we just heard. If this was true then.... "So what group is your brother in?" I asked hoping for an answer. "Ah yes, My brother Jacob is the leader of the destruction group. And as you can see he takes his job seriously.". He then looks up at us and says "Since that's out of the way it will be good if you would address him and me during the meeting as: my brother Hades," he says putting on a blue-green colored watch. "And me.... Poseidon.". As we walk out of the room Elizabeth takes us to our rooms. Once I head to mine I'm immediately sent a text from Spinnette saying:

Pinkghostlady: Meet me on the roof. 8pm.

Desertboi: Whats the rush?

Pyromaniac: It's about the meet isn't it?

Windygirl: I'll be there.

Spinnette POV

"Oh god this is really bad!!!!" I say as everyone gathers around me. Okay I probably should have seen this coming. But it's Fucking Jack! Jack for crying out loud! Aira grabs me by the shoulders and says "Spinny calm down! Whats wrong?". "I know who Jack is," I start saying. "More importantly.... I know what's going to happen 2 hours from now....". Aira then grabs my face and says "Spinnette what does that mean?!". "Striker told me he was going to do a big heist the day of the meeting. And if I'm right then we're going to need weapons." As soon as I said those words Erin shot up. "I can make some. Just give me the designs!".

*2 hours later*

"Revenents," I said as we all got ready for the event "Prepare to party."

Blaze's weapon

Spinnette's weapon

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Spinnette's weapon

Spinnette's weapon

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Erin's weapon

Aira's weapon

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Aira's weapon

Time to party and fight!

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Time to party and fight!

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